Sorry to hear that you are having such an awful time with Telefonica, especially under the circumstances.
It just goes to show it must be down to the person you talk to on the end of the phone!
We asked a very good Spanish friend of ours to phone 1004 for us and order our telephone land line connection and internet services. We gave her our Bank Acc details, NIE's etc and she rang them on a Monday morning. Thursday morning of that very same week, just four days later, the engineer rang me on my mobile to tell me he was in the area and could he come and do the work!!!
After about two hours he was done, tested the telephone line and the internet service, showed me the results, even plugged in the phone we had purchased from Carrefour the day before and made sure that was working. Then showed me the instuctions for using the router he had puit in, and explained in very good English.
Again, I think it's who you speak to and who they send out. This guy was older than me, however was the same type of person in that he was very proud of his work.
Hope you get everything sorted out. 
This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 11/11/2008.