I understand your concerns and it does sometimes seems a problem to find out that a development has all the permits
You can always ask for copies and get them translated-if not available walk away
The first essential is the planning, then individual building licences [ a bit like our building regulations] and then the Licence of First Occupation
Also if you hand money over you must get a bank or insurance guarantee....used to be delays with these but today you must insist on receiving this simultaneously with your payment
Most professional agents will ensure that everything is in order and in general nowadays any decent development being marketed will have the appropriate permits and the banks are unlikely to give a guarantee to one which is not legal
Buyers however are still a touch wary, so to make doubly sure that what they are buying is OK they now often get a mortgage, even if they do not really need one
On the basis that an independent bank will not lend on illegal properties
Now in the past, the bank financing the development have given mortgages to buyers to help them complete [ the builders mortgage] even though all permits are not granted….I’m not too sure that they will still do this in current circumstances but it is best to be sure and use an independent bank
There are lots of good developments in Spain where it is safe to buy just like in UK and perhaps the above is a touch a basic but:
If you:
Use a professional agent
Get a guarantee for your deposit
The contract has specific dates and time scales for completion
Your solicitor is independent and checks all permits
You get a mortgage
You do not complete without a Licence of First Occupation
Then you should be OK……now there are examples of buyers of so called ‘ illegal properties’ who have the deeds, a mortgage and LFO and yet their legality is subject to investigation
Mainly past corrupt or mismanaged developments, as now everything is more controlled
One other point
You may be concerned that the facilities will not be completed and if you have any concerns about this you can always buy a ready now unit on a completed development or phase or a re sale…..so that what you see is what you get
But there is nothing wrong with buying off plan if it is done properly