asdAAAGH !!!

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27 Nov 2008 12:00 AM by Acapulco Star rating in Costa Blanca South.. 342 posts Send private message

Acapulco´s avatar

 Just got back from the weekly shop, went to Asda this time. Could not believe how many prices had gone up, and many in the reion of 30% !! On top of that we have found 3 times recently that the "2 for £3"  and similar offers are being put through at single item prices and therefore we get stung again !

When we complained we were told it was human error,maybe but perhaps they should be training these humans better.Seems strange to me that it has happened in 2 different stores.We only spotted the first error by chance, I wonder how many people thought they were getting "special" prices but finished up paying top dollar without realising it.

I think it is disgusting that in these tough times big stores simply up prices and rip people off. Maybe all the big boys are as bad,I don't know. 

Are the big stores in Spain as bad or will I escape from these greedy so and so's when I do eventually move to Spain?


If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.


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27 Nov 2008 5:20 PM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

Aaaah poor long suffering ASDA; no doubt trying their hardest to recoup some of their OFT fines ...after all they only had profits of  £560 Million this year...

See this link

I'm not really surprised about the so-called Human Error; being a Wal-Mart company and therefore American, and therefore totally profit mad, I wouldnt put anything past them...




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27 Nov 2008 5:25 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

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I posted this on another thread, but it fits nicely here too. We're told we are entering a period of deflation (falling prices), and that this is A Bad Thing. From what I can make out, it's bad because although we're told prices are falling, everything (apart maybe from property and cars) seems to be getting more expensive. VAT is to be reduced, but do you think this means we, the consumer, will see cheaper products on the shelves. I doubt it.

(From This is Money)

Supermarkets are stinging their customers with bogus special offers, a leading consumer group has claimed.

Which? said Waitrose, Sainsbury's, Marks & Spencer and Tesco had all flouted Government guidelines on sales and promotions.

Introduced in May, the guidelines say an offer is genuine only if it is a discount against a price charged throughout the previous 28 days.

However Which? found a number of promotions failing to comply, including one for Waitrose blueberries. They sold at £3.99 for just two weeks before being offered half price at £1.99.

Gallo wine sold by Sainsbury's at a discount was sold at the higher price for only a week.

And Marks & Spencer cherries were marked as half price at £2.49 even when the full amount had not been charged for a month.

Which? also expressed surprise that Tesco and Marks & Spencer bacon was on 'special offer' for the whole of its three-month investigation.

Nikki Ratcliff, research chief at the consumer watchdog, said: 'We all like a good deal, but special offers encourage us to spend more than we would otherwise and may make us buy food that we throw away.

'Supermarkets need to comply with the spirit of the new Government guidelines and stop misleading consumers into thinking they're getting great deals when they're not.'

Martin Fisher, a trading standards expert who has worked with a number of councils, said: 'The results strongly suggest that there is plenty more work to be done in getting supermarkets to comply with the rules.'

Which? says offers should last no longer than the period in which the higher price was charged. It also said the discounts should be calculated against the preceding price and not against prices from weeks or months before.

It said three-quarters of shoppers seek out special deals and more than half buy products solely because they are knocked down.

A high proportion – 30% - said 'buy one get one free' deals caused them to purchase food which ends up in the bin.

Which? said this contributes to a food waste mountain amounting to 6.7m tons a year.

Households with children waste an average of £610 a year on food they throw away.

Waitrose yesterday promised a review of how it runs special deals. A spokesman said: 'It is never our intention to mislead customers.' Marks & Spencer said: 'We always aim to offer our customers excellent value and follow guidelines on promotions wherever possible.

'For the bacon, unfortunately we made a mistake with the ticketing of this product and we apologise to our customers. We rectified it straight away.'



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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27 Nov 2008 6:11 PM by tinto. Star rating in Scotland & Nr Estepo.... 243 posts Send private message

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""and therefore totally profit mad""

Whats wrong with profit. I only have a problem with profit if I cant get enough, and am jealous of the people who can get too much.

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27 Nov 2008 9:06 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

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They all do it unfortunately. When we go shopping now, one of us packs and one watches the items going through the till. Tesco used to have the best system, not sure if they still do. If you were overcharged for an item, you could take it back for a refund and you keep the item!!! A bit of an incentive to get the prices right first time...


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27 Nov 2008 9:20 PM by Nati Star rating in Manilva (Costa del .... 235 posts Send private message

I don't think Spanish supermarkets are much better. They will try to rip you off whenever they can



 Ana Sánchez. PGCE, MA & BA(Hons)

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28 Nov 2008 11:08 AM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

[QUOTE]""and therefore totally profit mad""

Whats wrong with profit. I only have a problem with profit if I cant get enough, and am jealous of the people who can get too much [/QUOTE]

With the world economy being driven mostly by the American markets and following it very closely, THATS whats wrong with being totally profit mad.

Take a look at the American economy; the country is bankrupt and their only solution is to print more money and then try to recover the deficit from the consumer and the banks are the worst offenders. The Federal Reserve is not as many think the Bank of the American Government, but was set up in 1912 by a consortium of private banks headed by the Rothschilds of the world and they own America. The International Monetary Fund is also run by the Fed.

The Bank of England has suddenly found access to how much was it £500 Billion to bail out the Banks where the hell did they get it from? Answer they borrowed it from guess where and guess who has to repay it; not the banks but the UK Taxpayer. Thats what wrong with profit...

On the UK domestic front; whats wrong with profit? 

Take a look at the pretax profits of the big 6 supermarket chains for the year 2007 / 2008;

Tesco; £2.54 Billion

M&S; £1.07 Billion

Morrisons; £612 Million

ASDA/Walmart UK; £560 Million

Waitrose; £479 Million

Sainsbury; £380 Million.

Doesnt it strike you just a little bit obscene?





This message was last edited by foxbat on 11/28/2008.

This message was last edited by foxbat on 11/28/2008.



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28 Nov 2008 6:01 PM by tinto. Star rating in Scotland & Nr Estepo.... 243 posts Send private message

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""Doesnt it strike you just a little bit obscene?""


Not at all, without profit we would still be living in caves or even worse a communist state. We all make profit  by selling our labour whether it be £6 an hour or £6000 an hour and everyone who has a pension benefits from the company which makes £6000 an hour. Please compare our standard of living today with our forefathers if you don't want profit you may want to go back to that but I certainly don't

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