Hi TP1
Bought a Villa a couple of Year's ago and absolutely love Calpe a good mixture of all really the beaches are great restaurants not bad,,,,,,everyone has different tastes of course,!.........easy travel links,,,Road ,,Rail and easy access Airport routes,,,,,,,,,
Had a few learning curves when we moved over,,,,IE: dont trust anybody or at least keep at arms length and never hand over money in advance unless you know were they Live and have everything in writing.............there are a lot of fly by nights.
I have great neighbours who have been there 18+ Years,,,,,,,,,who have a great circle of Friends and can recommend decent people.........
Apart from that I LOVE Calpe and as soon as the Grandchildren are a bit older we will be over for good....
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email me,,,I just wish we had honest advice when we started...
Anyway back to the grind and sunny London
ta Tony