New Criminal Activity - can anyone substantiate

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13 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by johnf Star rating in London / Costa Del S.... 66 posts Send private message

Just received the following  :-



The other day, a senior police officer, Sr.. Manuel Piedrabuena, told a police conference about a new activity of robbers on secondary roads.


This information comes from a good policeman who wants people throughout Spain to be aware of what is going on.


It seems that a gang, mainly Rumanian including people from Bulgaria and Poland, are disguising themselves as Guardia Civil, with similar uniforms, tri-corn hats, but non-standard pistols. 

They even have cars similar to those of the Guardia Civil.


Because their disguise is not very effective in the light of day, they do their dirty work at night. 

They wait until a car appears and stop it at the side of the road. 

They say that they are checking for drink driving and the result of their test is always positive even if you have not been drinking. Naturally, most people will challenge this result and that is when their game starts. 

They will tell you that perhaps the machine is not working properly but that they have another machine fixed in their car which will determine the result.




As soon as you get into their car they will rob you of everything, money, credit cards, mobile phone and whatever they find in your car. The big problem is that they can use your cards straight away and you can do nothing because they are in control.


The Guardia Civil  NEVER ask you to leave your car and they NEVER ask you to take a breathe test in their car.    


On some occasions they can be very, very violent.

Be very careful if you are stopped by the Guardia Civil on secondary roads; keep your mobile phone ready so that you can call the POLICE.


If you keep reporting this gang which is causing havoc we will break up the entire organisation and their numbers will be reduced.  


We must all watch out and use the power of the internet and the public to fight this threat.


If we allow this gang to get away with it, all the other criminals will be headed for Spain.








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13 Feb 2009 9:20 PM by jminor Star rating in Mojacar, Almeria. 10 posts Send private message

Hoax email danger alert

By Dave Jones (Costa Blanca News)
MOTORISTS could end up getting shot if they heed the information put out on an email which has been widely circulated around the Costa Blanca.

This was the stark warning put out by Neighbourhood Watch chiefs this week.

The email claims to be from a senior police officer called Manuel Piedrabuena and advises drivers 'to be careful at Guardia civil check points'.

The hoax, which was first circulated five years ago, states that Sr Piedrabuena told a police conference 'the other day' about a new activity of robbers on secondary roads.

The bogus mail reads: "It seems that a gang, mainly Rumanian including people from Bulgaria and Poland, are disguising themselves as Guardia Civil, with similar uniforms, tri-corn hats, but non-standard pistols.·

"They even have cars similar to those of the Guardia Civil.

·"Because their disguise is not very effective in the light of day, they do their dirty work at night.·

"They wait until a car appears and stop it at the side of the road.·

"They say that they are checking for drink driving and the result of their test is always positive even if you have not been drinking.

"Naturally, most people will challenge this result and that is when their game starts.·

"They will tell you that perhaps the machine is not working properly but that they have another machine fixed in their car which will determine the result."

The hoax goes on to state that the Guardia Civil·will never ask a driver to leave their car - information which is incorrect.

The email adds: "As soon as you get into their car they will rob you of everything, money, credit cards, mobile phone and whatever they find in your car."·

It also states: "Be very careful if you are stopped by the Guardia Civil on secondary roads - keep your mobile phone ready so that you can call the police."

It also calls on the recipient of the email to send the message 'to all your friends for the benefit of all'.

James Herbert, president of Neighbourhood Watch in Spain, said the email had now been so widely distributed that it had become a danger.

And he said he had been inundated with calls asking about the authenticity of the message.

"This email is a hoax and has been doing the rounds for at least five years," he said.

"What worries me most is that people will think this is true and they will decide not to stop at a Guardia Civil road checkpoint.

"If they don't stop they could be chased and forced off the road.

"People should remember that the Guardia Civil are armed over here and we fear that in the worst case scenario someone could end up getting shot."

He called on internet users to stop circulating the email due to the danger it presented.

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13 Feb 2009 9:47 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

See thread  New Criminal Activity  (Click blue link)

I posted in there that the Costa Blanca News is running a feature on this hoax...

READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE .. HOAX   (Click blue link)

Welcome to EOS forum, BTW.


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14 Feb 2009 1:03 PM by johnf Star rating in London / Costa Del S.... 66 posts Send private message

Thanks More for the updates very much appreciated - cannot understand the mentality of these people that have the time to do such things.

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28 Feb 2009 6:45 AM by pilgrim Star rating in Costa Calida. 231 posts Send private message

pilgrim´s avatar

After reading the various responses to this thread, I noticed the article appeared in last week´s issue of "The Leader" free newspaper.

I contacted them for the scource of their information and was told it was an email. It was unfortunately inserted without sufficent research being done.

I explained the possible harm it could do, so they are going to insert some sort of correction in next week´s edition.

I also said it might be a good idea for them to mention that people should still exercise diligence, when driving, taking all the necessary and relevant precautions!



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28 Feb 2009 11:09 AM by tinto. Star rating in Scotland & Nr Estepo.... 243 posts Send private message

tinto.´s avatar

Friends went to the Puerto Banus area for a golfing weekend (last weekend) there were no lockers in the clubhouse and one of them stupidly wrapped his wallet in his clothes and lo and behold when he came back his wallet had gone. They then went to the bar where there was quite a few people and two of them had their wallets stolen by pick pockets. Later that night one of them decided to go back to the hotel alone(Andalusian Plaza) and was accosted at knife point in the underpass.

Is this what we have to expect now?  I truly hope not.

Needless to say I don't think they will be back to Spain for a long time.


This message was last edited by tinto. on 2/28/2009.

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01 Mar 2009 5:21 AM by pilgrim Star rating in Costa Calida. 231 posts Send private message

pilgrim´s avatar

Unfortunately, with the so-called "downturn" in the economy, virtually all kinds of crime are increasing.

People have to eat and need money to do it.

I understand Spain has one of the highest numbers of unemployed.

Lastly, Puerto Banus has always been the rich man´s domain. Somewhere to show off their eight million Euro yacht and expensive motor car, so it is possibly a scumbags haven for the unsuspecting.



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01 Mar 2009 8:01 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

 Don't get me started on Puerto Banus.  We lived around the back of Banus in Nueva Andalucia for a few months and hated it.  Banus is a very seedy place these days and is rife with crime.  That's where one of the shootings was 7pm outside a cafe.

Susan had her handbag stolen from her whilst she was sat in McDonalds one afternoon in Banus.

It's only getting worse as there are so many people without jobs and Banus is a magnet for petty thieves.

However, this is becoming more of an issues is so many places.  Signs of the times I suppose.



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