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24 Feb 2009 12:00 AM by Jet48 Star rating in Estepona / Great Yar.... 106 posts Send private message

Jet48´s avatar

I thought this may be of interest to E.O.S members as on the BBC news lunchtime news today

It took a couple of goes to get it to load so you may have to persevere.

What do members think?




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24 Feb 2009 9:08 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

I notice that they picked one of the rainest days. I guess it wouldn't have made the same impact if the sun was shining brightly.




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24 Feb 2009 9:11 PM by Jet48 Star rating in Estepona / Great Yar.... 106 posts Send private message

Jet48´s avatar

Must have been Eva and the Flameco dancers bought the rain on LoL.



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25 Feb 2009 11:09 AM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

Good old Auntie...

Trotting out the same old news on what was obviously a slow day for proper news...

Nearly as bad as the Daily Mail and the Telegraph...

People over here dont need it rammed down their throats and so far as I can see from previous 'news' coverage on the subject, most people in the UK dont want to know; the over-riding feeling being 'you made your bed, now lie in it...'

Just my 2 cents worth...




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25 Feb 2009 7:53 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

Why are ex-pats so wrapped up in themselves?????

Is it a requirement of the label????

How about sparing a thought for those who have not yet been able to make a bed to lie on.

Or even a care for those who made it long before you and now find it difficult, or even impossible to sustain.

How about counting your obvious blessings and sparing a little sympathy for the less fortunate.

You will soon be in the same boat when Germany saves the Euro and your £ is worth 50 c.

Forget the spin and just give us the facts as they are, no matter how sick you may be of seeing your imminent demise.



N. Sands

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26 Feb 2009 10:14 AM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message

I think foxbat is probably right when he says people in the UK will think 'you made your bed, you lie in it'.  I see where they are coming from, but don't totally agree.  The exchange rate/recession has shocked everyone. Nobody wanted vast overbuilds, half finished developments, corruption, lack of regulation etc. Just a fair life for following the rules, while taking a risk and investing in Spain is all most want i think.

I do think though that everyone, Spanish or not, should at least accept the problems are real, and have done and continue to do enormous damage to Spains property industry on the whole. Reccession or not, i don't think the problems will sort themself out by people burying their head in the sand and saying 'Im alright jack, tough luck for getting involved with the wrong agent/lawyer/developer/council/judge? '.  Until everyone stands up and says 'we have had enough, it's time for change' then nothing will?

If the majority are happy with the situation as it stands now then fair enogh i guess?  Those of us wronged will just have to sort ourself out with little support from the majority, and Spains property industry will just limp along much the same, no doubt a bit faster when the recession pulls out, but does anyone really think that will solve everying?. I feel confidence and more importantly trust in the property industry is shot, and will take a fair bit of restoring. Hard to see at the moment where that will come from? Perhaps more reliance on Spanish buyers in future, but with current unemployment, probably not?

Don't get me wrong, i realise that many in Spain are happy with their lot and don't need more 'doom and gloom' reports, but i hope most realise there are two sides to every story, and both should be taken seriously.

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