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I am trying to speak to other owners of apartments at Los Lagos de Santa Maria Golf. Can anyone help me.
_______________________ Sarah
Hi Sarahp,
Have you tried looking on the development forums?
If you go to the main home page, (log out of this forum first), you can search for a specific development and you should find lots of peeps chatting on there.
If the deveopment is not there, add it and start a new chat thread.
Kind regards & welcome to EOS as I haven't seen you here before?!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Eralia are still trying to flog these - I got an email from them this morning offering Los Lagos from 325,000 euros (2beds) Green Hills !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from 275,000, Terrazas de Santa Maria from 290,000 Los Patios from 270,000 and Los Jardines from 295,000.
Now Im not flogging them and forgive me if Im wrong but I think NONE of these have license of first occupation on them?????
Maria del Castro - what is the legal situation of trying to sell something like this - is it not a form of fraud to sell something that doesnt exist and take money for it? In the UK it wuld be fraud, obtaining money by deception and a criminal offence!!!
Am genuinely interested in the answer. Tahnks
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Sorry to take exception with you but quite clearly they do exist - the question is whether they are saleable goods isnt it - now unsaleable goods are illegal but how is that interpreted in the eyes of the law in relation to property. It is similar to the situation with Silencio - it is a recognised statute in Spanish law - however the Junta de Andalucia said that they refused to recognise silencio - thus my logical interpretation dictates they are breaking the national law by refusing to acknowledge it - this I think is perhaps half the problem and the reason there is so much uncertainty. Until such time as the law here places as much imortance on enforcing civil cases as they do on criminal cases the poor unfortunates who have paid deposits that have been lost are going to be in limbo - the important word in all of that is enforcing - that is the court can find in your favour and then what happens when the developer/builder ignores the findings of the court - always assuming you have been resilient and tenacious enough to go through the 5 to 10 year period of getting the case heard and judged
Smiley -
what a good post!, i'm sure most people realise this now, but there are still many who wont/cant face these facts due to emotional or financial reasons. Having said that, i thought some of the bigger bad developers were starting to lose cases, or avoiding this by settling out of court? or is this wishful thinking and still very rare?
There is NO LFO FOR LOS LAGOS OR GREEN HILLS! Therefore NOBODY can sell them...legally. They are unsaleable. Try telling Grupo Eralia that.!!!!! They are still saying they have the LFO through the administrative silence rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have read in the Sur in English once, that since the 2005 all Real Estate agents have the obligation to know the condition of the properties they sold, otherwise they sale would be a fraud. I do not remember the date of the article but I will try to search for it and let you know.
May be it would be a good idea if you check this information with a lawyer.
I agree, but if you are told by the developer that a development is fully legal and licensed and you have a copy of the licenses, which are stamped and produced by the town hall, then one would not expect there to be problems.
In fairness to some developers, they themselves bought land with licensed project on it and have subsequently found out it was all obtained by backhanders - this leaves them high and dry with the original seller of the plot laughing all the way to the Bahamas!
We do ask for LFO's and nota simples for all properties we auction. Otherwise its a total waste of out time let alone a clients.
Hey ho - Im sure it will be sorted out in due course, probably another year or so and until then.......think I will go to the beach.
Have a good day everyone 
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Rixxy I hear what you are saying but surly backhanders or not the people taking the backhanders were employees of the town hall and therefore at the end of the day the town hall must be responsible for its employees actions. Should the Town Hall not list all developments which were licensed this way? or indeed all unlicensed developments.
Yes totally. And everyone involved all the way up is culpable, but unfortunately they are trying to sweep it under the carpet, both political parties who are guilty as well are arguing who is more guilty than the other, the developers are doing the Spanish shrug shoulders and say 'this is Spain' and of course the poor souls who are suffering are the innocent public.
Very naughty and someone ought to take it to the European Courts, but they wont - too expensive and time consuming.
I did dig out a map which is on one of the official sites and which had nearly 1000 highlighted developments (non named!!) over Marbella citing various irregularities from over build to built on green land.
Thats been around for at least a year and what has happened so fer? Diddly squat. Very frustrating and meanwhile day by day we are getting more and more units on from desperate people caught up in this.
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!
Seems without my knowledge I have been the subject of a considerable amount of discussion so perhaps I may be given the opportunity of answering
Smiley Sorry no I wont share my experiences with you regarding this development as I am only interested in genuine people that may want some help
One of your lawyers that you take advice from may be a very dear friend who has an office in Marbella.
Rixxy Yes I am pro this site as its in a great area and caught in the net of the whole story corruption case and as I see it they are little better or worse than the norm but have become the brunt of the mess due to motives you may not be aware of.
You say you don’t sell in this development and it has no L.F.O yet yesterday you confirm that you sold on La.Reserva ?( I take it you hardly sell anything in Elviria then)
I am genuine and possibly one of the few that’s not posting to satisfy personal or professional motives.
Tish . L.F.O for this and Green Hills and you fail to mention the other 50,000 properties+ in Marbella but as you quote YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED IN THE REST OF SPAIN ,JUST GREEN HILLS.
Goodstitch 44 I think you have enough problems of your own which we share and perhaps your interest in me and my eagerness to promote a balanced view is my business, not yours
My postings under Sunbelt which anyone is welcome to view as I have no regrets at standing my ground against the rude and the clear self motives of some which they manipulated so to have me banned.
I came back under Glassman as I had so much to offer and was no way going to accept being set up.
Again anyone is welcome to view these postings and come to their own conclusions.
I have no wish in anyway to involve myself in any form of slagging as once I was caught hook line and sinker because of my stance against the control freaks and that’s why I tried this forum as it seemed to have a more balanced and friendly approach. Sadly that’s another mistake I appear to have made which I can put right.
It remains to be seen if this message is allowed to remain and it’s written with no malice or intent to upset anyone as at least I will be left with the memory that I was allowed a right of reply which was denied on the other forum.
I trust in the future you will heed the advice of the Editor and keep it friendly as these forums have so much to offer many people in the future but somehow I doubt it.
Good Day To You All
Jim, You said:
I trust in the future you will heed the advice of the Editor and keep it friendly as these forums have so much to offer many people in the future but somehow I doubt it.
I don't think your post is very friendly.
You said:
Seems without my knowledge I have been the subject of a considerable amount of discussion so perhaps I may be given the opportunity of answering.
Keep up with the threads!! You have only yourself to blame.
I have no intention of doing that so write about me as you wish.
I have been given the opportunity to reply and there it ends.
Jim, we ALL have the right to reply to posts!!  In view of your "reformed" personna on another forum, I guess I had hoped it would follow through here. A leopard never really changes it's spots. It's wishful thinking.
When the day you are told that it’s your fault for letting some be rude to you because you didn’t keep up with the postings then it’s a very sad situation.
If you mean that by changing my spots is to allow myself to be abused and have to come in line, to be stabbed in the back by some that are only on the forums for their own self interests then these spots are not for changing.
Justin’s appears to be trying to build a reality website which is not intended to sell newspapers allowing people post news involving everyday events both good and bad.
A reality website without rude people that manipulate forums like a cancer whose only motives are self interest or to the benefit of creating evil personal vendettas against a person or to satisfy their own quest for revenge without a single consideration for others.
I have no regret whatsoever in standing up for the people that should not tolerate such actions of the minority and if in my innocent way I helped spoil the little ring of control freaks then that’s fine by me a dozens of others that are reluctant to join in for fear on rejection or more important leave after being subject to rude behaviour.
For those that doubt my sincerity then look for themselves on how I have attempted to put forward a balanced views, take a look at how I launched a good news thread,(some success that was as I had to close it down because of the actions of those that tried to set me up to be banned from this forum as well).
Tish? You go ahead?
Post this to all the others that use different names on these two forums and you guys put whatever slant on it as you all no doubt will but this guy has simply had enough and so many wonder how I have held in there for so long.
Before any of you try to pick out a reply I made such as a pork pie short of a picnic against the accusations that I am a liar, an estate agent,illiterate.vile,supid amonst many others then carry on.
The sad situation is that I am one of the only ones with no hidden agenda ,having property in Spain also helps a lot and one of the rare ones that tried to get involve with joining in with like minded people whose total interest is in Spain and the future during both good and bad times.
Jusin ?
Thank you so much for the email and it’s very much appreciated and think you’re doing a grand job my son and keep up with the excellent work.
Cut the cancer or like the other thread this one will also die through lack of new blood ?
Good day and good bye to you all
This message was last edited by sunbelt on 5/5/2007.
Hello sunbelt,
I have only seen the recent post of yours which to me was from yourself as new member joining. After that all hell broke loose so I don't know what the past politics are all about. So i really don't understand what has happened. As I said before in my reply post. "Welcome to the forum." I enjoy the forum immensely and have made some great friends here. Also have had some good advice. But if you have made your decision then I suppose it's best to leave it alone now.
Regards Gina
To call people a cancer is about as low as you can get in my opinion. Just remember the disgusting posts you made to me and another poster on the Santa Maria Green Hills thread that got you banned by Justin. Don't play the poor little hurt boy. You dish it out often deserve to get some back. This message was last edited by Tish on 5/5/2007.
Hi guys, I feel this isn't really getting anywhere now. I think eveyone has made their point now and I would appreciate it if this were laid to rest now.
It's going totally against my request for people to BE FRIENDLY AND NICE.
All this bad karma is getting me down
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