The Comments |
All sorted and have an account
Now how do i get in, no instructions in English ??
Just enter your username (usario) and password (clave) on the homepage.
When a new window opens with your account details, look for the language options at the top right, and select ingles. Should be easy after that!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Well i thought i was in, then they mailed mes aying they are doing checks to verify my account, now there saying my last bill number does to tally with there system and are asking for a new number, i dont have a clue what there on about, everything is in Spanish and the google translation does not help
last mail received - any idea ??
Nº solicitud: 1326560
Nombre del solicitante: Robert McTaggart McTaggart
Nombre del cliente:
Operador responsable de la gestion de la solicitud: OP-2591
Estimado cliente:
Nos ponemos en contacto con usted en relación a su solicitud de registro a la oficina Online. Le pedimos que nos haga llegar el número de la última o penúltima factura ya que el que nos ha enviado no es correcto. Le informamos que este número que le pedimos se encuentra al margen superior izquierdo de su factura. Quedamos entonces a la espera de recibir su respuesta para continuar la gestión de registro de usuario.
Para hacernos llegar sus datos, haga clic al enlace que aparece continuación e introduzca los datos que le solicitan al cuadro de texto que le aparecerá.
A Continuación, haga clic al botón de enviar respuesta.
Agradecemos su confianza con nuestra Oficina Online.
Atentamente, ENDESA ONLINE
NOTA: Por la seguridad de sus datos es importante que no solicite otras gestiones a través de esta dirección de correo. Le rogamos que utilice nuestra web, donde la información está protegida por nuestro entorno seguro. De otro modo, y para asegurar la confidencialidad de sus datos personales, no podremos procesar su solicitud.
Endesa Online.
Just that. They say the last (or penultimate) factura (bill) number that you entered is incorrect. Maybe you made a typo? They ask you to click on the link below, and enter the required info in the text box which appears, then click on the send button (enviar). The factura number is in the top left corner of your bill. If it's a text box with no specific fields to complete, just enter as much info from the last available bill as you can (factura number, date, amount etc.), and hope for the best. You're close now, don't give up!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Thanks Roberto
Only prob is i have to keep pestering someone for bill info as im away...
I might just leave it..
Have you have a rebate on your bill, im still getting bills every 2 months but last week one was a proper reading..
Yeah, I had my refund - think it was 38 cents or there abouts. Still trying to decide how to invest it.
Don't give up - you're so close now! Do you know the amount of the last bill? The date it was debited from your account?
Sending PM
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Managed to get someone else in Spain to register us online and have been given username and password but when I try to go online it will not open, any suggestions please
Now getting a message when trying to access site that 'content blocked because it was not signed by a security certificate' and tells me to look in internet explorer under help.
Not being a wizard on the computer, can not find out how to do this.
Any help please
Its a nightamre getting set up online...
im sure they dont really want use looking at our accounts...
Doesn't it give you an option to view anyway (i.e. disregard the warning)?
You may have to play around with your internet security settings.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
No it doesnt give any other options to view.
How would I go about viewing or looking for a security certificate? Where would I need to look on the computer?
If I could find out how to access the security seting what do you suggest I put them to ( I suppose I could just alte them tempoary while accessing the site)
Oh dear, where are all the experts when you need them?
Try Tools>Internet Options>Security and if it's set to high, slide it down to medium and see if that helps.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Now registered with electricity company as got a friend who lives in Spain to do this for us but we still can not get on the site as when we go to log on a small box comes up in the bottom right hand corner, it is blank in the centre with some writing along the top. It just defaults back to the log on details again.
Any ideas please.
I still cant get online..
I sent them countless mails about logon and password... just had a reply in Spanish as usual
Roberto please help :-)

On a slightly different tack, has anybody ever heard of the newer type digital meters (i.e. no spinning disc) being incorrectly calibrated?
I have been put on one of these since the new year and have been receiving next to nothing bills for 7 months and now get one for four figures!!!
By my maths that will make my consumption 4 times higher than anybody else I know. And none of them have anything different in their villas to me (I even have no A/C)
The meter however actually tallies with the 'actual' on my bill, hence my question and my thinking that the meter is chugging away far too quickly.
I really do hope somebody has heard of incorrect calibration.
_______________________ Professional baby equipment hire providers.
Kernow24: are you using Internet Explorer?
Rob: are you using IE? The letter you show here is basically just about the de-regulation of the market from July 1st and unless you particularly wish to switch to another provider, shouldn't concern you. It does, however, also state that due to Endesa becoming Endesa Energía XXI at the same time for some slightly inexplicable reason, and the need to adapt their IT accordingly, the onlne service will be out of order between 13.00 on June 30th until 09.00 on July 2nd.
This message was last edited by Roberto on 01/07/2009.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Yes I am using internet explorer
Thanks Roberto
I guess thats a standard mail shot..
They probably havent even read my mail yet lol
Thanks again..
Ps. I also use IE..
Did you try logging on before 13.00hrs today? If not, try again after 09.00 on Thursday.
When I log on, I too get the little box in the bottom right of my screen, but after a couple of seconds, it disappears and a new window opens - not full screen, and more towards top left. Are you sure this new window isn't open behind the original log in page?
Beyond this, sorry, I really don't know what could be wrong.
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Tried to log in over weekend.
I will try again and minimise the log in page to see if it is behind this as have not tried that. When I try to log in it sounds the same as you descibe so maybe that is the answer.