The Comments |
Hi Justin
The search facility is still "flaky" to say the least. I have been looking for the "new site live" thread and couldn't find it. There were loads of unrelated threads brought up using this search term, but that is all I caould remember about it. So, I turn to search for a member and it only brings up the last 20 threads made by that member. That doesn't help as the EOS Team have been a bit productive in te forum recently and I can find no way of going back further.
On the plus side, the notifications seem to be working now 
Hi Justin
Are you going to be changing the search facility? I wanted to look for a post of mine from last year but I am still only given the last 20 posts from me which is a little frustrating .
No, couldn't find it, but certainly got a lot more results!! Just out of interest, where is the lin on the forum for the Google site search as I can't see it for looking? 
I've never noticed that one before , i've always used the big search forum button so didn't realise that existed. Handy to have found now though, i'll try some of my other searches now .
It's terrible. It's worse than it was before the site changed, which says something. 
1) We STILL can only search the poster's last TWENTY posts, rather futile when some post avidly. Previous to this new style forum we could view ALL posts by each member. The members are missing out on locating thousands of posts (which certainly took me, amongst others, months to write. ) It doesn't give us the inclination to contribute large informative posts if in a couple of weeks, depending how fast one clocks up 20 posts, we can't find the posts more easily than this.
2) If we search for a certain word that we know should get us huge amounts of posts ( like 'tax' ) we get 5 threads first with certain threads detailed underneath these. Certainly nothing like the amount I know has been posted.
Who trawls through every board looking at every thread ? Apart from that if I was someone looking for posts to do with say 'car hire' I would look in the Driving in Spain board, not in General Chat where many are so that's not going to get us to certain posts.
Justin said in this thread on 25th March that he was doing changes. If he has then it's not good enough, sorry. 
In Can we have a 'quote' feature please on EOS ? Techno said on 4th April 'Costas is working on it this week'.
Hi More and everyone,
What you have to take into account is that the entire site is being re-written from the ground up, and it has taken an awful lot of time and effort to get where we are today.
This is being done to make the site run smoother and faster than it ever has, in addition add in all those extra features that forum users have been asking for, and some extra features that we ourselves have come up with, such as the 'ticker' tool.
So we beg your indulgence and support as we work tirelessly towards achieving all this and more, whilst at the same time conducting all the user support that we do on a daily basis, and try and help out around the forums with our own insights, knowledge and experiences.
It’s all very time consuming and will take a little more time than we all would like, but it will be well worth the wait. 
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Beg all you like, Techno. (I do so love a man that begs !!)
I'm sure the site will be better in the long run, I just feel the search is extra important to achieve our united goal. Other things IMHO are worth postponing for now.

Now, now More - you KNOW the boys cant multi task, even technical blokes. They will get it done, in time!!! 
Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!