- Clients care attention Well, I had a call from our new bank manager (BBVA) this week, inviting us to pop into the branch to meet him and "have a chat". The bank has a policy of moving staff on every couple of years (so they don't get too friendly with their customers
) but I was very pleasantly surprised that the new guy wanted to introduce himself - made us feel like valued customers. My UK banks make me feel like dirt, and if I wanted to talk face to face it would mean a lengthy trip to Bangladesh no doubt.
- Respect to queues Ahhh. Never gonna happen! We had to explain to a lady at the meat counter in the supermarket the other day that her ticket number 01 came after our number 98, plus a couple of other customers. She couldn't get this, and if anyone reading this doesn't either - get to the back of the queue! It will forever be an enduring mystery why Spaniards are always in such a hurry to go nowhere and do nothing, and must be first, but I guess that's part of the charm!
-Thanks, please, I am sorry, excuse me Just a cultural and liguistic difference really. Spain is not unique here. Swedish has no word for please (which is why, if forced, they may say "pass the salt thanks", but generally won't bother with the thanks) but this doesn't necessarily mean they are rude. However - why oh why can Spanish drivers not thank you with a little wave or other gesture when you give way for them to pull out? Again, too much of a hurry to go nowhere with little or no respect for other road users.
- Lower tone of voice I had something to say about this but I forgot - can't seem to concentrate becuse the men in the cafe next door are making so much noise! I never can tell if it's an argument or just a friendly chat.
So glad you're enjoying our Capital city and that you don't find it hostile and unfriendly as so often it can seem like that to visitors. Say "Hi" to the Queen from us if you see her!