1) Via goggle I've found a UK post box company which provides a UK PO Box address, and then can forward mail onto you here in Spain.Would using a post box number address like this be acceptable to Sky, for opening an account and recieving a card?
It MAY be possible, but I would suggest that they normally dont like to. It could suggest to them that it is a business property and therefore they may try to charge you business rates!
2) Almost 2 years ago I started a Sky TV contract, for several TV packages (via a sat TV company just N of Benidorm, but they seem to have disappeared/returned to UK or something, and I'm unable to contact them (so don't know my sky account details)).
You are not the only one, which is why I alsways suggst to cleints that they / I set up the card at a UK address they control!
After 12 months the card sort-of deactivated, with me lossing most of the sky packages but continuing to work for the basic varity pack ( the amount of the direct debits from my bank a/c also droped/changed to reflect this change).
One card agent drops the card to a minimum package (usually music channels) and uses this as a way of enforcing payment of the "yearly maintenance fee". if you didnt pay one, then you wil start to have to - it ranges from 100 - 200 euros a year and is for the privalige of using the agents UK address!
I am assume that my old card will eventually time-out (when a new style card is sent out to.....), but one of the previous posts mentioned about the sky contract only lasting 1 year as if after that you slip off Sky's radar (athough there still taking money for the basic varity pack). Any chance that if I sit and do nothing the old card will continue to work? (Ever the optomist!)
You old blue yellow house will continute to work for the channels you pay for...until your new white replacement card is issued and activated (or a few weeks after!). Obviously the agent will not know where to send that new card and may well issue it to some other person. He may (or may not) cancel your DD payment to sky, so it may be up to you to do this. If you card is cancelled correctly is should still operate as per a freesatfromsky card., otherwise you could end up paying for a card you do not have.
12 months is the minimum sky contract length...you remain on their "radar" for however long you continue to pay them!
Hope this helps