Happy story about agent and buying in Spain

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26 Apr 2009 12:00 AM by lotty Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Hi all,

Just want to let all the helpful people on EOS who when i asked for help buying property in Spain give me the name of the best agent that  is working in Costa Blanca. I have just arrived back from a week in my new home which Georgia found for me at a great price and everything I wanted he really does work for the buyer and gets a great deal. I was just about to give up and you told me to contact Georgia it was the best thing I did. He recommend a solicitor who was the best you could get and checked everything out for us.  I just  want to tell anyone like me nervous about buying at the moment to contact Georgia who will help and advice you and work for you. I will need to ask your help about other issues regarding owning a house in Spain so i will be in contact with you all soon a very big thank you to everyone who helped me.



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26 Apr 2009 10:24 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Hi Lotty

Georgia has become a good friend of myself & my husband through EOS. We became internet friends on here then we used to go see him in his office in Guardamar. He'd save us free newspapers if we couldn't get hold of them ourselves on the day they came out.  He dragged us kicking to a footie match he played in (no, I'm joking now) but we certainly went to Daya Vieja to cheer him on when he played footie in an England team against Spain to celebrate the opening of the village's new stadium.

Very much a family man our Georgia is. We've met his beautiful Italian wife & one of his three children, the pretty little 5 yr old Georgia, going on 20.   He's been to our home, we've been to his. He's lent us his sander to sand down woodwork. He's called round to see us for 10 mins & stayed 2 hrs chatting. He's just one really great guy who we shall be seeing in a couple of weeks.

He's worked his socks off to bring many people their dreams in Spain without the upsets others have found themselves in. Georgia deserves the recognition he gets here. I'm so glad you found him through our recommendations on EOS. I hope you'll be very happy with your new home.

I'd like to take the opportunity of posting his website here.



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26 Apr 2009 11:42 PM by arranleesmith Star rating in Thalassa. 211 posts Send private message

arranleesmith´s avatar

How refreshing that in a shark-infested pool there is still a beautiful dolphin intent on proving that good really does come out of evil!

I wish your trusted friend well in his endeavours, and wish there were more people like him in the profession.


Lorraine Braid.

PS. Your information on the dogs was (indeed) an eye-opener, and leaves me in tears every time I hear of the horrendous conditions they are kept in. Anyone thinking of taking on a new pet should consider the plight of these poor, unfortunate beings who have committed no crime, other than loving and trusting their owner.

Thank you for making us all aware,


 (already wearing the shades!! and looking cool!!!)

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26 Apr 2009 11:43 PM by arranleesmith Star rating in Thalassa. 211 posts Send private message

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This message was last edited by arranleesmith on 4/26/2009.

 (already wearing the shades!! and looking cool!!!)

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26 Apr 2009 11:47 PM by pkvenus Star rating. 17 posts Send private message

Hi morerosado,

After my recent days of doom & gloom I started reading this thread and it's lifted my heart about mankind [well some!].

This guy Georgia must wear red underpants outside his trousers.......................he sounds great!

I now feel quite uplifted & have really enjoyed reading this thread...................it's made my evening.



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27 Apr 2009 12:46 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Hi Lorraine & Paul, Georgia really is a conscientious guy.  He goes that one (or in his case 6) step further than called for in his efforts to help. There's nothing he won't help with.

Lorraine, take a look at this thread that sadly has been buried but I think I'll resurrect it. Animals are in awful conditions, it'll break your heart.

Cereco animal centre near Crevillente, Costa Blanca, SHOCKING. BE PREPARED IF THAT'S POSSIBLE !!


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29 Apr 2009 1:14 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 Hi Lotty,

Thanks for the kind words, it was a pleasure and great to see the joy on your face at completion,glad you got such a great deal and what a spot!!!

Hope you get many years of fun out of your new place......


Hi More,

Thanks again, we can catch up again when you are over,lost touch a little with the outside world at the mo,only get to see property,desk and notary at the moment,the wife has put a picture of me on the fridge so the kids recognise me when they see me now and again.

Hi Pk venus,

I have to keep the red pants on the inside as the roundabout girls were getting jealous, if i think people really deserve it the blue cape gets an outing as well


Hi arranleesmith,

Thank you (i think) ,in this profession you have to be an Angel in Devils shoes to prosper now, the proffesion does have a bad rep but on a good note many of the big bad guys are leaving here looking for the new next big thing.......hopefully their fate will catch them in the end.......


Regards to All.


www.taylorlandandpropertygroup.co.uk still here after all these years!

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29 Apr 2009 2:42 PM by pkvenus Star rating. 17 posts Send private message

Hi Georgia,

It's good to have a bit of fun when there is doom & gloom around.

If I ever need your help as an agent I will look forward to the blue cape treatment!

Sorry but you'll have to explain the 'roundabout girls' bit.

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29 Apr 2009 5:49 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Hi Paul

You mean you don't know about roundabout girls ???? (Probably as well)

These are prostitutes that tend to frequent roundabouts & there usually are a few standing chatting together with not much on. They wave at everyone. Lately they've split up on the nearest roundabouts to us & one stands at each exit where you're having to wait to get onto the roundabout so you get a right eyeful. Amazing how young some are too. A sad sight I think.



This message was last edited by morerosado on 4/29/2009.


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29 Apr 2009 6:15 PM by pkvenus Star rating. 17 posts Send private message

Hi Morerosado,

Oops.............news to me!!!

You see I'm just a Northern Lad [.....Lad! well I was a few  years ago] brought up in a small village whose not used to these things!

So I think I'd better not spend too much time in Spain getting corrupted [like the builders........ouch!], well that's unless Georgia lends me his red underpants or blue cape!

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29 Apr 2009 6:20 PM by tony.c Star rating. 11 posts Send private message

There are some really good agents out there but you really do have to be careful.  Just make sure they are registered have a long history behind them and one of the best things about the fall in the property market is that most of the worst agents have closed.


This message was last edited by tony.c on 4/29/2009.

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29 Apr 2009 6:28 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Hi Paul, well sorry we corrupted you, forget Georgia & I mentioned roundaouts & girls in the same sentence.

Welcome Tony.c. Most of us certainly know who to treasure as agents these days. Georgia is one, red underpants, blue cape & all that !!! 


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29 Apr 2009 7:51 PM by pkvenus Star rating. 17 posts Send private message

Hi More,

I'll never think the same about roundabouts again!!

If you are in the UK do you have any weather forecast for next week as we are venturing to South Devon for our jollies. A bit further down than Somerset but a long way from up North!

I'm taking the laptop just in case there are any updates with our Spanish Lawyer & to see if Bobaol gets in touch.

Remember you mentioned the Bosque forum site............well Fly380 let me know that Bobaol has a property on Bosque 2, so I'm hoping he can update me.

Better go now & get some shirts out for the wifey to think about ironing over the next few days!!

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16 May 2009 9:16 PM by Acapulco Star rating in Costa Blanca South.. 342 posts Send private message

Acapulco´s avatar

 " Dolphin in a sea of sharks" Mmmm!  He told me we were getting a dolphin in our pool, does that mean he will be coming round for a swim ?  or maybe we are getting a mosaic image of him in the bottom.


If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.


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