The Comments |
Please note that although the Spanish Goverment has abolished the Wealth Tax you still are oblighed
to pay "Income Tax" if you are Non Resident and your own a property in Spain. This is regardless if you
receive income from your property or not.
Please also note that if you have your IBI (Rates) this could save you money on this return.
That´s it. The taxamount is 2% of the catastral value of the property or 1,1% if the catastral value has been revised or modified since 1994.
Best weekend,
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Hi I am on the condado de alhama golf resort, I recently have paid £00 euros as a non resident, I hope this is once yearly. If it is like our banding for council tax then that percentage would be working out to a £1,000 per year. So is this amount correct please.
_______________________ Ruth,Peter&Krystal Jardine 09
The IBI (rates) is calculated by the relevant town halls and it based on the
size of your property and where your property is situated
It is best to check with the relevant town hall.
You will be able to see from the last IBI (rates) bill what castral value
they have based your rates on.
About claims against IBI:
Legal tip 69. Claims against IBI tax amount
Thursday, April 16, 2009 @ 1:41 PM
If your IBI receipt (Local property tax) over-rises after a Cadastre review, there are two possible avenues of legal action:
A) Before or against the body of cadastral revision.
I. Submitting a Request for review to the Cadastre management organ which corresponds territorially.
The document you will receive with the revision of the Cadastre value needs to mention the address of the office for the claim and the possibility of the claim itself.
II. Directly to the pertinent Court with judicial power on economic acts of the Administration.
In both cases (I and II), the earlier deadline for filing an appeal is 30 working days (it includes working Saturdays and excludes Sundays and public holidays) from receipt of notification of cadastral revision. You need to receive that document by registered mail.
You are obliged to pay the IBI receipt you are challenging even if you are claiming against it.
B) Before the Local Council
The Local Council applies an index to the cadastral value; this determined the IBI tax amount. It is also possible to submit a claim against that index.
This message was last edited by mariadecastro on 4/27/2009.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
This is a most blatant abuse of power by the town hall of Estepona. If you are registered on the Padron you get a significant discount. Last year when the IBI taxes were increased by 1) increase in catastral value & 2) increase in co-efficient from 0.8 to 1.1%. Again the fine politicians of Estepona applied a 64% increase to NON RESIDENT PROPERTY OWNERS and only 2.1% to people registered on the Padron. The protests in March 08 forced the Town Hall to reduce the increases to people registered on the Padron .
Glynns Kinnock MEP tabled a question ( 30 january 2009) at the EU in relation to this discrimination. After an inquiry it is now stated in the reply to Ms. Kinnock (18 February 2009)
The commission explained that it had analysed the main features of the IBI tax as defined in the Royal legislative Decree 2/2004 of 5 March 2004 as well as the powers granted to local entities.The commission confirmed that the preliminary analysis has revealed that Local Entities are NOT ALLOWED to differentiate between residents and non-residents (as opposed to national & non-nationals)for the purpose of the IBI tax and concluded that, in its view, it would not appear that the relevant Spanish legislation was in breach of community law.
As from above the Estepona town Hall and other town halls are breaking the law by discriminating.
It is only a matter of time before there is equality with this tax.
EU forced spain to change capital gains tax.
It might be my imagination but I get the impression that people who receive this discount don't want to talk about it in case they lose it.
Is this subsidy system common throughout Spain?
I had never heard of it, but will keep an ear on!
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
never heard of what? the IBI subsidy?
Can anybody tell me if it is possible to submit your own non-resident tax returns on form 210 if you own two properties in Spain? I think I read somewhere else that you have to use a fiscal representative in that case.
Our situation is that we own two apartments in the names of my husand and I plus my parents but neither apartment is rented. We have all four names on both because we needed to do it that way for mortgage purposes.
Hope this doesn't mean we can't submit our own taxes though!
Many thanks if anybody can advise.
the wealth tax legislation made it necessary to appoint a legal representative for tax purposes in Spain, but now that it has been abolished the necessity to appoint legal representative for tax purposes remains just for some cases.
If you all are all British residents in principle there is no need to appoint a legal representative for tax purposes; however, if one of you signs the tax declaration on behalf of the others, or claims for a refund on behalf on the others (not likely, isn't it) then a legal representantiva and a PoA - which can be done at the tax office - are required. I also assume that none of you carry out any economic activity.
As to the 210 forms, it will be necessary to fill one in for each person and for each property. If there are 4 owners and 2 properties, then Owner A has to make one 210 for his part in property 1 and another 210 for his part in property 2, and so on.
Good luck.
Thanks very much...that's really helpful.
This is the first time we have had to pay this tax and as our solicitor wants to charge approx €250 and the tax is only €30 could you please advice me where i can obtain the form from please?
You can get the form from your local Agencia Tributaria, or online at of try our service at just 35 euros for completion of your form and obtaining tax stickers for you (50 euros total for two forms on a jointly owned property).
You can also buy my Guide!
One off fee to pay your own taxes, no ongoing annual fee!
Hundreds of people pay their own taxes using my Guide.
Free ongoing support too!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hi all,
I follow e.o.s. quite frequently but do not post very
I just wanted to say that my o.h. and I have just
completed our 210 forms with the help of fibbys
guide. It explains everything brilliantly and I was stuck
quite a few times and sent an e-mail to fibby who
always replied promptly to any and all of my questions.
so I want to say publicly on this forum
My IBI payable is 0.6% of catastral value. I am registered on the Padron. Do I assume I am getting a discount?
Our solicitor has billed us for non resident income tax for 2008 to the amount of 305 euros +admin. charge of 135 euros. Can anyone advise if this is what others pay for a 3 bedroomed villa obviously based on the escritura value or is it excessive. Is there a table of standard charges to which we could refer?