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Right, I know you're not supposed to do it........but just suppose I wanted to get Sky..........if I set it up at my son's in the Uk and took the 'select what you want' option of the 16.50 a month plus broadband at 5 pounds a skytalk as he has no landline............then left him with the broadband and brought the sky card here ( I didn't say that did I? )....could I do that?
I spent ages looking at the website and must admit to 'blonde moments' ( a lot ) cos I cannot work out if you have to have a landline, if I've got to pay for a box ( got one don't want another ) and most important...can I have the broadband without a landline????
Answers in simple terms please....and don't forget...this is just an 'if' situation !!
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Hi there,
From what I've read ahem, on other forums, is that if you've had your sky+ box in the uk registered for over 12 months at a uk address then you can unplug the phone cable anyway. While you have a billing address in the uk you can then go to spain and set up your box and dish there provided they don't send a new update card to all users (which I believe they are about to do for some strange reason). All this provided you keep your existing billing address uk based.
Well, this info is what I'm banking on because my wife (spanish) will refuse to live in her homeland without sky tv. end of.
But I have not had a Sky box in the Uk and neither has my son. i am here and he is there.....
and I want to know IF I can do it the way I said from 'scratch' ?
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
Yes, but you're not supposed to do it.
firstly, skys broadband package is for broadband via a uk landline only, so if you son does not have a landline why order broadband - you / he will not be able to use does not offer broadband via satellite (yet!), but many other companies do.
next : do you have a sky receiver already?
if so, the get your son to call sky and say i have a dish and receiver can i have a sky card, here are trhe receivre numbers and bank details for the subscription....card in sky when dish and receiver are put up in spain and call sky again to activate the card.
if not then decide where you are getting your box from (uk or spain) and dthen do the above process....
note that if you get sky to do an actual install for you at your sons address, the dish, box and card all remain skys property for 12 months (unless it is a multirrom contract where all equipment remains skys for the duration of the multiroom contract). they police this via the connection tot he phone line, but in my experience the nonmultiroom contrcat are not policed as rigourously as the multiroom contracts...
hope this helps...
_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.
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Sky boxes are like mobile phones . After the first year is up, you can ask for another one if so wish. Do you know anyone with a spare box? If not, plenty on eBay at a reasonable price, or maybe someone on the forum has a spare one (i'll ask around too)? As satandpcguy says, you need to activate the card in a machine. I activated my Sky card in my HD box at home and then took it to Spain for my Panasonic box (I still have my subscription card at home though)!
I activated my Sky card in my HD box at home and then took it to Spain for my Panasonic box (I still have my subscription card at home though)
alhough that doies not work for the premium sky sports or sky mobies channels - as these channels are tied to whichever box the card was pair / activted in.
_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.
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I activated my Sky card in my HD box at home and then took it to Spain for my Panasonic box (I still have my subscription card at home though)
alhough that doies not work for the premium sky sports or sky mobies channels - as these channels are tied to whichever box the card was pair / activted in.
But if your box and card were originally in the uk and you have subsequently taken both to spain then it should work theoretically, no or yes?
"But if your box and card were originally in the UK and you have subsequently taken both to spain then it should work theoretically, no or yes?"
Providing that that the 'Interactive contract' is over twelve months old, then you can disconnect your Sky box from the UK landline and leave it disconnected.
As when you sign a contract with Sky, it is the 'Interactive contract' you are signing in addition to the 'Subscription contract' which states what channel package subscription you have, and it is this 'Interactive' part that states you must have the box connected to a landline for the minimum term of twelve months, after that the 'Interactive' contract ends and you can disconnect the box from the landline.
Then you can bring it to Spain. 
Having said all that, you used to be able to sign up as a 'new' subscriber without having a landline, there was a one off £25 'admin' fee and the box was never connected to a landline, as there wasn't one!
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
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I thought as much. I've had mine for at least 18months now so it shouldn't be a problem. I dont actually have movies or sports package so might it be worth me getting this before leaving the uk? I want to show sky tv and sports in my wife's dad's bar (if we decide to take it over). Or are there mind boggling legal issues with doing this?
Also, its a sky + box - will there be engineers out in spain who are able to connect sky + boxes? Does it require a special dish or is it just another LNB?
Thanks for all the replies....................
Having said all that, you used to be able to sign up as a 'new' subscriber without having a landline, there was a one off £25 'admin' fee and the box was never connected to a landline, as there wasn't one!
I read that too....................and could do that no problema...................BUT just wanted to make sure we could still get the broadband cos it does say on their site you can choose any two of three and then it says if no landline fee ( think it's now 30 pounds) will apply.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
If you take Broadband through Sky then you will have to have a landline, and then the box will have to be connected to that landline for twelve months.
Now on the other hand, if you want a good, cheap Broadband service then might I suggest you go with TalkTalk. We had them for almost two years before we moved to Spain. We took them up on their International plan and it was just over 20 quid a month for Broadband, all our local, national & international calls, for up to 69 mins in length, for FREE!
This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 4/24/2009. This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 4/24/2009.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
The only trouble with upgrading your channel package is that you might have to verbaly sign up to another interactive contract.
How legal this is I don't know, as I've often thought that verbal agreements can't be enforced by law, however they are based in Scotland and I don't know if there you can enforce a legal agreement?
There are loads of Sky engineers out here, just make sure you ask around the forum for someone to recommend, or not as the case may be, an engineer. I know a really good one here in the Duquesa area and I used him myself to put in the twin feeds from our community satellite system. Saved me a packet!
For Sky+ you would need what we call a 'Quad LNB' which gives you a maximum of four feeds from one dish, and you need at least a 1.8m dish for a decent signal here in Spain.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
I dont actually have movies or sports package so might it be worth me getting this before leaving the uk?
Yes, but you must remember that the sports channels will only show on the sky box that the card is "paried" by sky . go getthe upgrade in your uK box and bring that uk box and card to spain.
I want to show sky tv and sports in my wife's dad's bar (if we decide to take it over). Or are there mind boggling legal issues with doing this?
you are broeaking the T7Cs of the sky contract by using the card outside the uk and roi. however, I have read recent reports that some bars have been "visited" by the GC and told that they cannot show sky sports - it may infringe some of the bars license and spansih tvs copyright / contractual agreements - especially if it is in a public place (and not a home / provate place) - so this may need to be looking into.
sky sports 1,2, and 3 should be easily available on an 80cm dish
SSExtra and ssnews are on the "north beams" and may not even be available 247 even on a 2.4m dish!
Also, its a sky + box - will there be engineers out in spain who are able to connect sky + boxes?
Its the basically the same as a basic sky receiver, so if they cannot do it they really should be avoided. but make sure the "plus" functions are working - sometime sky forget to activet them and it takes a while to get it sorted out - its just a small tick box ontheir screen and some of their "operators" dont see it - even when you say "its a sky+ box!"
Does it require a special dish or is it just another LNB?
A sky plus box ideally requires a twin output LNB to work fully (one cable to receord and one to watch another channel at the same time)...a 4 output would be required if you want to run another reciever from the same dish. some claim a 4 output performs best - but i have seen very little difference between a 2 output and 3 output invacom pf lnb.if you dont want to do any recording or playback they work ok using a single cable.
dish size: anythng from 80cm to 2.4!...
BUT just wanted to make sure we could still get the broadband cos it does say on their site you can choose any two of three and then it says if no landline fee ( think it's now 30 pounds) will apply.
If you are in spain, you cannot have skys broadband offering. it is for uk land lines only.
if your uk address does not have a landline (as you mentioned before) then you cannot get skys broadband package - as it uses a landline.
the sky contract for the sky tv and broadband package has different T&Cs to a basic sky tv contract. read them as last time i did it stated the card and box must be conenct tot he uk phone line for the duration of the combined sky tv and broadband package,.
i am still a bit confused when you say your uk addess does not have a landline yet you want to order broadband at that address?
The only trouble with upgrading your channel package is that you might have to verbaly sign up to another interactive contract.
a sky tv package upgrade does not require a new contract or require any new agreements - unless you go fro a mutliroom agreement.
the only thing affecting package upgrades and downgrades is that you can only do one downgrade per month...
_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.
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Sat guy - what do you make of this?
I'm all sorted for my "goggle box" needs so am not really interested as such - just curious. Do you think he's just trying to get himself an e-mail database of Brits in Spain to flog to real estate agents?
Do you think I'm cynical? 
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
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Sat guy - what do you make of this?
I'm all sorted for my "goggle box" needs so am not really interested as such - just curious. Do you think he's just trying to get himself an e-mail database of Brits in Spain to flog to real estate agents?
Do you think I'm cynical?
put it this way, i would not put my email address on that site. he could be building a email databases for spamming purposes, or justr trying to use it to help improve his other 255 sites search engine results. i would pay no attention to it.
Do you want to view more branded clothes and accessories ?
No thanks
_______________________ Satellite TV & Sky TV in Spain installers. Costa Blanca, Azahar and Valencia areas.
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Well, thanks for the information everyone.
Karensun - hope you got the answers you needed and sorry I just realised I sort of hijacked your thread - sorry!!
Right, I need to post a new topic about new sky cards...:-)
Hi Steve.....................well I'm still no nearer to sorting it out !
I've looked at all ways round and i'm really not sure if it's worth any more effort or 'skullduggery' just to have more TV progs, but thanks for your contributions and don't worry about hijacking the thread ! No problema !
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
A couple of questions:-
1) Via goggle I've found a UK post box company which provides a UK PO Box address, and then can forward mail onto you here in Spain.
Would using a post box number address like this be acceptable to Sky, for opening an account and recieving a card?
2) Almost 2 years ago I started a Sky TV contract, for several TV packages (via a sat TV company just N of Benidorm, but they seem to have disappeared/returned to UK or something, and I'm unable to contact them (so don't know my sky account details)). After 12 months the card sort-of deactivated, with me lossing most of the sky packages but continuing to work for the basic varity pack ( the amount of the direct debits from my bank a/c also droped/changed to reflect this change). I am assuming that my old card will eventually time-out (when a new style card is sent out to.....), but one of the previous posts mentioned about the sky contract only lasting 1 year as if after that you slip off Sky's radar (athough they're still taking money for the basic varity pack). Any chance that if I sit and do nothing the old card will continue to work? (Ever the optomist!)
This message was last edited by pedrovalencia on 20/06/2009.