Petition To remove the PM

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28 Apr 2009 12:00 AM by fortune24 Star rating. 22 posts Send private message

There are a lot of people who are trying to help Labour understand that they are no longer wanted in this country. A general theme that people are trying to help go viral is the following. Your help in making it happen would be appreciated.

"Gordon Brown has very kindly set up a process to allow us to petition him directly for change.

If you believe in change as much as I do, you have the opportunity to petition him directly to resign at

The largest number of signatures on current petitions to number 10 is around 28,136. The number of signatories to the petition for Brown to resign is 20,395 as of 08:17 on Tuesday 28th April.

If you are as hacked off as I am with GB, I suspect that not much effort will be required to make this petition go viral and generate 1,000,000 signatures to help encourage our unelected PM to face the voters directly rather than dragging down the UK."


This message was last edited by fortune24 on 4/28/2009.

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29 Apr 2009 8:41 AM by fortune24 Star rating. 22 posts Send private message

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to… Submitted by Deadline to sign by Signatures
Protect the RNLI from paying licence fees for using Maritime radio frequencies. (with response) Ian Smith 8 October 2009 28277
mandate savings account providers to include the current interest rates on every statementMartin Martin Lewis 17 May 2009 26922
increased tuition fees Simon Page 17 July 2009 26712
Not reduce thespeed limit to 50mph Matthew Davison 9 September 2009 26542
October 2009 26005
 Thank you to everyone who signed the petition on the 10 Downing street website. Since yesterday 6000 signtures, hopefully by the end of today the petition will be pole position.

Link to sign the petition on the 10 Downing street website


This message was last edited by fortune24 on 4/29/2009.

This message was last edited by fortune24 on 4/29/2009.

This message was last edited by fortune24 on 4/29/2009.

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29 Apr 2009 10:15 AM by funluvin99 Star rating in Scotland / Moraira. 96 posts Send private message

funluvin99´s avatar

Because we have such a load of competent politicians waiting to take over..................NOT!!


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29 Apr 2009 10:31 AM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

I signed it because one thing is for sure the likes of Brown, Harmen, Smith, Balls etc are turning the UK into an even bigger basket case that it already was. And it's actually our  own fault for not doing anything about it.

Regards, Poppyseed



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29 Apr 2009 10:36 AM by fortune24 Star rating. 22 posts Send private message

Agree with you about politicians.

My anger with GB, he was in charge of the fiscal policy with the fiances over the labour years.

He sold the gold reserves at a low term low.

Raided the pension pots

Tax (NI, council, tax fuel, alcohol)

Pub closures, Post offices closues

When the bust came, we were not prepared. This as left not only us, but also our future children and grandchildren with a debt of £50,000 each.

I do not expect G Brown to resign when the petition reaches number 1 on the list, but he needs to respond, and believe the media will have a field day. Already mentioned in at least two newspapers Observer and the Telegraph.

Petition update, we are in third place a jump of two places since I posted this morning (26,743)

Thank you all for reading and signing the petition.



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29 Apr 2009 10:45 AM by fortune24 Star rating. 22 posts Send private message

A old link when a petition was started asking for him to call an election

Two links from recent newspapers.

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29 Apr 2009 10:47 AM by funluvin99 Star rating in Scotland / Moraira. 96 posts Send private message

funluvin99´s avatar

This may indeed be the case.....but its like complaining about the community president but there is nothing better and no-one out there to replace them!!!

So who do we have better to take over???? If there was comfort that we had anything better.....


Never let anyone tell you what you can't do!!

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29 Apr 2009 11:05 AM by fortune24 Star rating. 22 posts Send private message

Never let anyone tell you what you can't do!!

We can not go down wasting billions our children and grand children will need pay back (£50,000)

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the communists
and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me -
and by then there was no one left to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller

Thank you poppyseed

Petiton  (10 Downing street website)

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29 Apr 2009 11:47 AM by funluvin99 Star rating in Scotland / Moraira. 96 posts Send private message

funluvin99´s avatar

S00oo  of course you never supported them during this fiscal process you describe, you have been doing lots of petitions since 1997 when it all started and you haven't been idly standing by since then!!!!

Raided the pension pots - where was your petition? or did you do nothing?

Tax (NI, council, tax fuel, alcohol) - where was your petition? or did you do nothing?

Pub closures, Post offices closues  - where was your petition? or did you do nothing?

And sorry but to use a quote about something as apalling as the holocaust to then compare it to money is frankly really low.....

PS. You missed the smily off my quote   as well as my point - then what do you propose happens, say it is successful and Gordon Brown resigns - what do you propose we do - apart from voting in an election? - What would you have the new PM do? How would you propose we deal with the situation? What would you do if you were PM?  I was trying to speak about moving forward not doing nothing....



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29 Apr 2009 12:59 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 I think Gordon Brown deserves an almighty pat on the back......

Never in History has one man contributed so much to emptying the country of the indiginous population.........

On my office forms we have a tick box and a section to name referal source and reason for buying Gordon's name seems to appear more and more he gets the thumbs up from me...

Keep em coming Gordy 


_______________________ still here after all these years!

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29 Apr 2009 1:19 PM by funluvin99 Star rating in Scotland / Moraira. 96 posts Send private message

funluvin99´s avatar

LOL - good one Georgia!!

What were the reasons before the bust though?? That would be quite interesting!!




Never let anyone tell you what you can't do!!

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29 Apr 2009 5:28 PM by fortune24 Star rating. 22 posts Send private message

Highlighting the petition is a long line and  many years of protests either by letter, marches or even banning certain products. My first peacefuldemostration was marching against the poll tax while home on leave during the 80's.

The Quote from Pastor Martin Niemoller highlights not just the percussion, but we are starting to repeat the same mistakes Germany carried out during the thirties when they put the faith in a little man.

I do not belong to a particular party but do lean towards the independant tax alliance, who have stated that any Government could save 100 million a year from wasted taxes without effecting frontline services.

How would I get us out this if I was PM

I would stop the waste

£9 billion on energy saving trials

£2 billion  on a project to record all emails, phone calls and internet use

£5 billion min on trying to launch the I D card

How many billions spent on a illegal war (being ex services, I am proud of the services not the Politicians who sent them) 

The dome and theill fated environment theme park North England?

Stop child benefits after the second child except if you adopt or foster children

No benefits to alcohol/drug abusers unless they attend meetings and show progress to be clean

No income tax on the first £10,000 earned 

Dramatically reduce Mp expenses, provide barracks/ hostels for overnight stays

No local councillors would earn £200,000 plus a year on a chair of a quango earn £400,000 plus


I would not make the biggest mistake of borrowing £700 billion min to buy out way out of debt

Not sold off the gold reserves when they were listed at a all time low





This message was last edited by fortune24 on 4/29/2009.

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29 Apr 2009 5:39 PM by fortune24 Star rating. 22 posts Send private message

Thank you to all who supported the petition. The petition sits in pole position 29,291


Labour website stating a need for change of leadership

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29 Apr 2009 6:30 PM by coolrunner Star rating in la marina. 91 posts Send private message

coolrunner´s avatar

our country will never be the same again..............AND JUST THINK OF ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE DIED FOR OUR COUNTRY..

if you dont know where your going any road will get you their

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29 Apr 2009 6:31 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message

I think many want change, but we need a viable alternative first. Who know if the mess we are in now wouldn't have been even bigger under the tories???  (apart from the rich of course who they tend to look after!)

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29 Apr 2009 8:01 PM by fortune24 Star rating. 22 posts Send private message

Thats the problem we have. Same routine vote one party out, vote in the next biggest party.

If we had a election, and I do want one today. Maybe its time for the good of this country, for the parties to come together and build a team of the best brains we have to get this country back on its feet.

Two names I would like to see Frank Field, Vince Cable


Should have mention earlier another way I like to complain directly

   Telephone 020 7930 4433

     Fax 0207925 0918  

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29 Apr 2009 11:42 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


that sounds worth a try. Perhaps the public should then vote on issues aside from the main ideas to get us out of trouble, that are decided from an all party think tank.  The main parties have had to drift centre from their left wing/right wing positions anyway, so why do we all bicker over personalities, false promise and point scoring over the opposite parties?

I guess the answer would be that in a democracy we need a choice of party, but i'm not sure that works any more if the main issues are largely sung from the same hymn sheet?

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06 May 2009 11:06 PM by fortune24 Star rating. 22 posts Send private message

Thank you all who took time to sign the petition on the 10 Downing street website. Signatures so far to date : 53,330
Mentioned today at PMQ and last week mentioned on Sky news, BBC News and Have I got news for you.
I have provided a direct link, for anybody else who wishes to sign.
This would keep the petition in pole position and help us reach the target of being the most popular petition of all time on the Government own website.


Agree Goodstich44.  A Prime Minster role is not unlike a CEO or a project manager. You should surround yourself with the best people for the job rather pick someone for a political belief.

This message was last edited by fortune24 on 06/05/2009.

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