Vodafone Dongal

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02 Jun 2009 12:00 AM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar



I wonder if some techno can help me.

We use a Vodaphone dongal at the moment when in Spain, the signal is very good and the internet works very well.

My problem is with e-mail, I use outlook 2007, I get e-mails fine but I cant respond to one of send a new one, all works fine in the uk.

Any ideas






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02 Jun 2009 9:49 AM by delza Star rating. 77 posts Send private message

I've not used Outlook in ages I'm afraid so I can only give you a guideline of what needs to be done.

What is happening is you're using the settings for your UK ISP in Spain and most ISP allow 'external' access to the recieving server so you can get emails but not to send.

What you need to do is create a new 'profile/account' within outlook and copy all te current info into it and for outgoing server put the one that Vodafone uses.

I believe the creating of a new profile is under the "accounts" menu.

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02 Jun 2009 10:31 AM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar


Thanks Delza

Thats great, I can manage to do that.

When you say you have not used Outlook in ages, does that mean that other e-mail clients dont need a new profile set up?

Thanks again





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02 Jun 2009 11:34 AM by delza Star rating. 77 posts Send private message

Yup I moved to an ISP a few years ago that charged extra for an internal email account so decided to use a free web based one.

GMAIL , or Googlemail as it is now known in the UK seems to be the best free email provider around with unlimited space and you can also set it up to download emals from their server with outlook if you desire to have a 'local' copy of your emails on a PC.


But since I travel around a lot it's perfect for me as I just use that and can access it from anywhere in the world and it works great on my iphone also!

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02 Jun 2009 4:31 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

Gmail is by far the best free web based email solution! 



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02 Jun 2009 4:59 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

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The smtp server in your account will be for your UK ISP. You cannot send email through your ISP's mail server as it is protection for them against spam. You will need to find what the smtp server settings are for Vodafone in Spain to be able to send email, or you can purchase your own domain and use their server. Or, use Gmail as suggested.


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02 Jun 2009 5:08 PM by Team GB Star rating. 1245 posts Send private message

Team GB´s avatar


Thanks for your replies

Just signed up for google mail,





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02 Jun 2009 9:53 PM by islaymac Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

I can't answer your question but wonder if you can answer one of mine?  I use telefonica when I'm in Spain but as I'm only there for 6 months in every 12 I find the contract extremely expensive.  I am looking into other possibilities including using a dongle and wonder if you can tell me how successful you find Vodafone's dongle. Can you can use Skype with it, is 3GB sufficient for normal usage, is it Apple Mac compatible and how expensive is the 12 month contract?  I'm sorry to lumber you with all these questions but hope you may be able to help. Thanks

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03 Jun 2009 11:12 AM by delza Star rating. 77 posts Send private message

I know of several people who have to use the Vodafone dongle as they are unable to have a land line not alone adsl and they've very happy with it and use skype just fine.

To the expense side of things I believe it's similarly priced as a TF adsl connection but double check: www.vodafone.es


If you live in a town then you may want to look into a WIFI service as that is generally cheaper and the contracts are smaller and if you do not need to have an external aerial installed sometimes they are pay as you go!

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08 Jun 2010 12:14 PM by dianah Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Hey guys,

I have the spanish vodafone prepaid mobile internet usb modem. I also habe the same issues with my outgoing mail. I can receive just fine, nut sending does not work.

I offcourse changed the smtp to the spanish vodafone smtp, but it still wont work.

Doen anyone know whats going on and how to fix this so i can also send e-mail with my vodafone prepago internet?



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08 Jun 2010 1:23 PM by gcarton Star rating. 144 posts Send private message

The answer lies in the port setting in Outlook. We had this problem. Go to Tools, then Options, select Mail Setup, then Send Receive.

Now select Edit All accounts, the  account properties. Thens select the advanced tab. Change the outgoing port to 25 and incoming to 110 and it should now work. Fingers crossed.


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08 Jun 2010 4:00 PM by Jimbofinn Star rating in Chiclana De La Front.... 225 posts Send private message

Jimbofinn´s avatar

Off on a slight tangent, but are you aware that Microsoft now have a small download tool that integrates MSOutlook with you hotmail accounts.  I don't think it works with any other web based email facility.


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13 Jun 2010 12:13 PM by dianah Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Hi Gcarton and all others,

Thanks for your reply. I checked my port setings you mentioned in outlook express, but the outgoing and incoming ports where already set at 25 and 110, so this probably isn't my problem or my solution, unfortunately :-(

I really don't understand why it wont work.

I am also very often in Belgium and i also use a prepaid usb modem (not vodafone, but Mobistar) and when changing the smtp settings to mobistars smtp when in Belgium, sending e-mail works perfect, so i dont understand why in Spain it wont work.

I tried many different spanish vodafone smtp settings, but none seem to work. Maybe you or someone else has different smtp settings?

A guy in a spanish vodafone shop says it is: smtp . vodafone . es but this does not work for me, nor does smtp . vodafonemail .vodafone. es and mail . vodafone . es.

I really hope someone can help me...

Thanks again




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13 Jun 2010 2:58 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

The instructions for setting up the Vodafone mail is found by clicking here.

Unfortunatley, it is all in Spanish and my translator won't work on a pdf document.



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13 Jun 2010 3:51 PM by dianah Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

Thanks...im gonna give this a try...

Keep you posted if it really works :-)


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14 Jun 2010 10:18 AM by fpegman Star rating in San Miguel De Salina.... 441 posts Send private message

fpegman´s avatar

Here is a translation if it helps


Installation and Configuration Guide for Vodafone Mail
Página 1 Page 1
Bienvenido a la Guía de instalación y configuración de Vodafone Mail . Welcome to the Installation and configuration of Vodafone Mail.
Para el correcto funcionamiento de su cuenta de correo Vodafone Mail sobre Outlook tiene que For the correct operation of your Vodafone Mail email account on Outlook must
seguir los pasos especificados, especialmente la parte de Configuración de Cuenta follow the steps outlined, especially the Account Settings
A continuación se muestran los pasos para instalar y configurar Vodafone Mail sobre Outlook: Here are the steps to install and configure Vodafone Mail on Outlook:
i. i.
Descarga de la aplicación Vodafone Mail Download Vodafone Mail application
En la página de descarga seleccione la versión de Vodafone Mail que quiere utilizar: Outlook 2002 ó XP. The download page select the version you want to use Vodafone Mail: Outlook 2002 or XP.
Para ello simplemente pinche en el icono de Outlook de la opción elegida. To do this simply click on the Outlook icon on the option chosen.
Tendrá que seleccionar guardar este archivo a disco y el destino donde quiera que se guarde. Will have to select save this file to disk and the destination where you want to be saved.
Nota: Para conocer la versión de Outlook que tiene seleccione en la barra de herramientas: “?”, y luego Note: To check your version of Outlook that you select in the toolbar "?", Then
“acerca de Microsoft Outlook”, ahí aparecerá la versión de su Outlook. "About Microsoft Outlook", there appears the version of Outlook.
ii. ii.
Ejecución del programa de instalación Running Setup
Una vez descargado el fichero de instalación tiene que descomprimirlo (para ello necesita tener instalado la Once downloaded the installation file has to unzip (for this you need to install the
aplicación Winzip u otro descompresor para ficheros de tipo .ZIP) y ejecutar el fichero setup.exe que le Winzip or another decompression application for files of type. ZIP) and run the setup.exe file you
guiará a través de la instalación . guide you through the installation.
iii. iii.
Pasos de instalación Installation Steps
En el proceso de instalación se le guiará de los pasos a dar a través de un menú de instalación, siga las The installation process will guide you the steps to be taken through a setup menu, follow the
indicaciones del proceso para la correcta instalación de Vodafone Mail. indications of the process of the correct installation of Vodafone Mail
En esta ventana se le avisa que tiene que desinstalar This window tells you that you need to uninstall
Vodafone Mail de Outlook en su ordenador en caso Vodafone Mail in Outlook on your computer in case
que tenga alguna versión instalada, en Más Detalles you have any version installed, click More Details
se explican los pasos para desinstalarlo. explains the steps to uninstall.
En esta ventana se le muestra el aviso legal de la This window shows you the legal warning
aplicación Vodafone Mail sobre Outlook, para poder Vodafone Mail on Outlook application, to
pasar a la siguiente ventana tiene que marcar la move to the next window you have to make a
casilla Acepto y pulsar en el botón Siguiente I agree box and click the Next button
La aplicación de instalación le pregunta el usuario y The setup application prompts the user
contraseña que tiene en Vodafone Mail para password that has to Vodafone Mail
configurar automáticamente su cuenta en Outlook automatically configure your account in Outlook
Seleccione el directorio donde instalar Vodafone Mail Select the directory where to install Vodafone Mail
y pulse en el botón “del ordenador” para comenzar la and click on "Computer" to begin
instalación installation

Page 2Page 2

Guía de instalación y configuración de Vodafone Mail Installation and Configuration Guide for Vodafone Mail
Página 2 Page 2
iv. iv.
Configuración de la cuenta Vodafone Mail Account Settings Vodafone Mail
Una vez instalado Vodafone Mail tendrá configurada en Outlook una cuenta de correo de Vodafone Mail, Once installed Vodafone Mail have configured in Outlook mail account Vodafone Mail
para poder ver la configuración diríjase a: to see the configuration, please contact:
Herramientas -> Cuentas de correo electrónico -> Ver o cambiar cuentas de correo electrónico existentes The Tools -> Email Accounts -> View or change Existing e-mail accounts
(pulsar siguiente teniendo seleccionada esta opción) (Click below to have selected this option)
Aparecerá una ventana con las configuraciones de correo que tiene en Outlook: A window with the mail settings you have in Outlook:
Cuenta de correo Vodafone Mail Vodafone Mail email account
Botón “Cambiar...” "Change ..."
En la lista de cuentas configuradas estará listada una con el nombre de Vodafone Mail , al seleccionar In the list of accounts set up will be listed with the name of Vodafone Mail, selecting
Cambiar... podremos visualizar la configuración de la cuenta: Change ... we can display the account settings:

Page 3Page 3

Guía de instalación y configuración de Vodafone Mail Installation and Configuration Guide for Vodafone Mail
Página 3 Page 3
Botón “Más configuraciones...” Button "More Settings ..."
Servidor de correo saliente (SMTP) Outgoing mail server (SMTP)
En esta ventana se reflejan los datos de configuración de la cuenta: nombre, dirección de correo, nombre In this window reflects the configuration data of the account: name, mailing address, name
de usuario, contraseña, servidor correo entrante, servidor correo saliente... , password, incoming mail server, outgoing server ...
MUY IMPORTANTE: Si no tiene contratado con Vodafone el acceso a Internet, para que el envío de VERY IMPORTANT: If Vodafone has contracted with Internet access, for sending
mensajes desde Vodafone Mail en Outlook funcione correctamente tiene que cambiar el servidor de correo Vodafone Mail messages from Outlook to work properly you need to change the mail server
saliente (SMTP) por el de su proveedor de Internet. outgoing (SMTP) for your ISP.
A continuación se muestra una tabla con los servidores de correo saliente de los principales proveedores Below is a table of outgoing mail servers of the leading providers
de Internet (Si no conoce la dirección de correo saliente de su proveedor póngase en contacto con él para Internet (If you do not know the address of your ISP's outgoing mail contact with him
que le facilite la información). to furnish the information.)
Telefónica Telefónica
Smtp.telefonica.net Smtp.telefonica.net
Terra Terra
Mailhost.terra.es Mailhost.terra.es
Wanadoo Wanadoo
Smtp.wanadoo.es Smtp.wanadoo.es
Ono Ono
Smtp.ono.com Smtp.ono.com
Lycos Lycos
Smtp.lycos.es Smtp.lycos.es
Ya.com Ya.com
smtp.ya.com smtp.ya.com
Tiscali Tiscali
Smtp.tiscali.es Smtp.tiscali.es
Si además, debido a la configuración del servidor de su proveedor, necesita indicar usuario y contraseña Furthermore, if due to server settings from your provider, you need to specify username and password
para el servicio de salida, tiene que dirigirse al botón Más configuraciones... y seleccionar la pestaña Output for the service, you must contact the More Settings button and select the tab ...
Servidor de salida , seleccionar la casilla Mi servidor de salida (SMTP) requiere autenticación e indicar si Outgoing Server, select the box My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication and whether
quiere la misma configuración que el correo de entrada o introducir un nombre de usuario y contraseña. want the same settings as incoming mail or enter a user name and password.
Pestaña Flange
“Servidor de salida” "Outgoing Server"
Casilla “Mi servidor Box "My server
de salida (SMTP) output (SMTP)
requiere atenticación” requires atenticación "
Nota: Si desconoce estas Note: If you know these
características features
de of
su its
configuración de correo mail configuration
del proveedor póngase en please Provider
contacto con él para que to contact him
le facilite la información. provided with the information.



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12 May 2011 4:06 AM by abcdefgh Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

12 May 2011 4:17 AM by abcdefgh Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

This is proving hard work.... I tried to post a solution here but the site says I cant include email or web addresses until Im "approved" now thats a bit precious for a bullitin board.....

Anyway Ive posted the solution on Vodafone uk site under Mobile Broadband in Spain



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