The Comments |
I am posting this on behalf of Josie Bland who wasn´t sure where it should be posted¨:
"Did anyone see the disgusting spectacle on Friday of a small terrified pig being chased through the streets of Manilva by about 50 children - the Guardia Civil were keeping cars out of the way. Apparently this was part of the Santa Ana celebrations. I intend to complain at the town hall and hope some of you will also. It was moronic".
Josie Bland
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
Don't like the sound of this, we where there on Sat night and it was lovely, all the children where out until very late but it was lovely to see all the family's together.
Maureen & Dennis
Coto Real
I agree with Josie, it's moronic but then I also think bull running is too but am forever being advised THIS is Spain.
Whilst the Manilva area is a long way from my area I'd be horrified to see this in my local town.
These 50 (or thereabouts) children also must belong to someone so why are parents allowing their children to act so irresponsibly & cruelly ?
I am sorry but this is Spain. This is obviously part of their tradition and culture and who are we as British people to judge them on that. If we live in their country we do have to accept their way of life, we don't have to like it, be we do have to accept it.
I am sorry but this is Spain. This is obviously part of their tradition and culture and who are we as British people to judge them on that. If we live in their country we do have to accept their way of life, we don't have to like it, be we do have to accept it.
I am sorry but this is Spain. This is obviously part of their tradition and culture and who are we as British people to judge them on that. If we live in their country we do have to accept their way of life, we don't have to like it, be we do have to accept it.
I'm really pleased you feel like that. Cruelty can't be justified through 'tradition'. Many cruel sports are banned because we accept animals suffering terrible pain and torment for our pleasure??? is just not acceptable. I was bought up on a farm, but saw enough as a child to make me very anti fox hunting as an adult. The fact it's banned here now is a real credit to those with real feelings for animals.
This message was last edited by goodstich44 on 28/07/2009.
I agree. Too many people use the excuse that "this is Spain" to make excuses for unacceptable practices.
We live in a modern society in Europe and what may have been OK 30 years ago does not mean that today they should continue, whether they are customs or not.
Cruelty to animals should not be tolerated in any way. How frightened must that piglet have been with eveyone chasing it and throwing it around? It's just not on.
One of our neighbours who is originally from a mountain village in Almeria, grew up with pigs screaming in the streets as they are sliced open whilst still alive. This practice still goes on but he's very adamant that he doesn't want his 3 year old son to witness these scenes.
It's also similar to the big problem in Spain of domestic violence. It has traditionally been ok for a husband to hit his wife. Fortunately the Spanish government has stepped in over the past few years and now there is a massive campaign to try and stop this happening and change what was considered acceptable behaviour in the past.
It's time to move wih the times. Animal cruelty cannot be tolerated no matter what county we are talking about.
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
My god, thats horrendous, how can they treat animals like that.
Maureen & Dennis
Coto Real
I really am INCENSED that animals are caused so much pain !!!
Just because many things are part of a countries culture it does NOT make it 'right' !
Look at the young girls in certain countries as young as 6, yes SIX, who have their private areas mutilated to satisfy men but takes away the feeling in that area !!
You think THAT is 'RIGHT' ??????????????????????
AND without anaesthetic, Susan. I hear their screams in my mind. 
However can this STILL happen ?
"Morerosado - Look at the young girls in certain countries as young as 6, yes SIX, who have their private areas mutilated to satisfy men but takes away the feeling in that area !!"
That kind of behaviour also goes on in the UK.
There are many MPs returned from highly ethnic constituencies who rely on the vote of these horrendous individuals to return them to parliament. They do not ever try to tackle these crimes as they know that if they do, they will not be returned to parliament.
They do however voice their strong opinions about parking facilities on the Isle of Wight!!
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The "this is Spain, accept their culture" is such a naive argument as I know as many Spanish people as British who would be uncomfortable will this kind of animal cruelty.
That still makes it a tiny minority, with people making statements about the culture they do not agree with is it any wonder that so many Spanish do not like the Brits. As Inspain said if yoiu don't like it you can go b ack home.
I disagree tinto.
Bullfighting has already been banned in Barcelona for example and this has come from the Spanish and not "immigrants". There are also many petitions started by the Spanish to ban many of these cruel animal sports and traditions.
It's not just the Brits that find this sort of stuff disturbing. To say that this is a cultural issue and that most Spanish support it is incorrect. Young Spaniards in particular are generally less in favour of these old traditions so it's only a matter of time before hopefully they will begin to die out.
There is a very disturbing video on YouTube of a bull with his horns on fire and fireworks attached. The bull is also tied to a pole and can't run away. At the same time people are hitting the bull with sticks. This is a so called "tradition". You just need to read the comments (by Spaniards) to understand that these traditions no longer have a place in modern society.
It's just a shame the Spanish government doesn't get involved to try and do something about it.
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
'It's just a shame the Spanish government doesn't get involved to try and do something about it.'
What exactly do the Spanish government do ?
Not much, I think, judging by the things certain people are allowed to get away with.
Just what I was thinking...and about to write More! 