The Comments |
why would anyone want Sky TV, it's crap. I've had Spanish TV (first Imagenio now Canel Plus) for 3 years and you couldn't pay me to go back to sky. Too many channels chasing too few shows and way too many comericals. With sky you need 50-50 channels to get the same TV shows I get on 5-7 spanish channels. Sky seems to love to expand one channel into 5-10 it's crazyness.
The only reason I could see wanting freeview is if you have an appartment which you only visit 2 weeks a year. If you not much of a TV watcher than TDT should be sufficant, as it is dual English Spanish.
As to iplayer unfortunately copyright laws make a mess of the internet, thankfully you have places like, and (not for much longer)
Edit: I mentioned this about sky because I spent two weeks on the coast (too hot) and the poeple had freeview and the channels and commercials drove me mad. As well it was 90% Americian programing.
This message was last edited by Rob in Madrid on 18/08/2009.
Decided after all I don't like Spanish TV, that is having compared both.
Why would anyone want to watch Sky tv, you ask? Simple answer: sport. Sky Sports three channels plus the new ESPN plus all the other channels provide all the sport anyone could possibly want. Sky Movies occasionally shows good films, especially indie movies and the Documentary channel also provides a wide range of interesting, intelligent and informative programmes. Yes, 95% of what's on offer is crap but you are in control of what youn watch, just as you are in control of what you read or listen to. Spanish tv has its highs and lows too. I've watched tv in many European and North American countries and in many of them tv output is far far worse than Sky, both in terms of crass dumbed-down material along the lines of 'Big Brother' or just plain tedious (Canadian tv).
There's a lot of crap on the internet -probably over 95% of online content -but that doesn't stop us using it.
_______________________ The Owl of Minerva spreads her wings only at the onset of dusk....
I'm not a sports fan so I don't miss that part. But for the shows that I watch (mostly American TV and a few British shows) i find that Sky and Canel carry the same shows and Canel does it over fewer channels. Probaly my main complaint with Sky is the proliferation of channels, gets insane when you have 10 or more channels all carry more or less the same programing.
I do give Sky high marks for one thing, Sky Plus, very well designed and thought out, one of the few things that was actually better than then advertisied.
Funny you would mention Canadian TV, we just had our Sister in law over and she commented on all the shows we have here which they don't have in Canada.
Decided after all I don't like Spanish TV, that is having compared both.
Yes, Sky Plus is great and I agree that most channels are rubbish. Maybe I'm biased against Canadian tv because I watch it when I go to visit my 86 year-old Aunt who's very religious (Catholic) so you can imagine her viewing choices tend to be bland.
I'm sure there's a lot of good stuff being put out - it's just that my Auntie Nellie doesn't watch it!!!
_______________________ The Owl of Minerva spreads her wings only at the onset of dusk....
Well well, it would seem certain people are trying to rubbish this situation, the fact still remains that Sky is illegal and if you want to challenge the Spanish government on this issue then please try, dont know about you but i would rather just stick to law, i think the promoting of illegal use of Sky is quiet blatent by some of the posts used on this subject, you know who you are, please dont give out bad and illegal advice cause you will simply add to the problem, im just making the honest people aware of this situation and let them choose to have sky with the chance they will be cut off soon, so i think this wraps this all up nicely, PLEASE DONT PROMOTE ILLEGAL JARGEN ON THIS THREAD AS YOU COULD GET SOMEONE INTO TROUBLE.
Oh, get a life, tobywoods. It is not ILLEGAL to watch Sky outside the UK In the unlikely event that Sky detected your extra-UK use you would simply be cut off. No 'legal' action would be taken.
The UK and ROI restrictions on Sky have nothing to do with the Spanish Government but are commerfcial licencing agreements between the UK Government and Sky as regulated by the European Union, as someone has told you already.
We criminals will continue watching Sky tv until we are prevented from doing so by Sky, not by some officious little know-all who seems to enjoy spouting vaguely threatening comments. -'you know who you are,' indeed..'
I shall continue watching Sky as I please as I have done for the past four years in Europe. I suggest you continue pouring your sangria or whatever and stop whinging at the hundreds of thousands of happy Sky, UPC, POlsat etc etc criminals all happily watching football etc this weekend.
_______________________ The Owl of Minerva spreads her wings only at the onset of dusk....
Just a thought, tobyw. Since you seem to enjoy laying the law down - and if you're going to shout at us, please check your spelling and use of words - why don't you contact all those companies, big and small, who advertise their services as Sky installers and suppliers in immigrant -oops, sorry, expat -papers such as Sur etc?. There are dozens of these wicked dishonest -nay, criminal -companies, large and small, some have been in business setting up Sky systems for decades and I'm sure they'd all immediately close down once they've read your informative and authoritative posts....
After all, we don't want to see Spanish jails full of these hard-faced unrepentant criminals, do we? At least I won't be making dirty money when I watch Sky tonight!
This message was last edited by praguepix on 21/08/2009.
_______________________ The Owl of Minerva spreads her wings only at the onset of dusk....
Are you refering to the person who leaked the report in the first place, and I would like to know how they would police this so called licence fee. TBW I think its a load of gossip you are putting on this thread. and that wraps that up nicely.
Thanks for your comment, to be honest I dont think you quiet get it, you are entitle to your opinion, but please be aware that you do not know everything that happens in the world. so please dont comment on things you simply know nothing about, this information is to protect those who are willing to listen, obviously this is not yourself and you are happy to break the law, I shall be reporting you to Sky myself.
my last post applies to Praguepic, if you carry posting twoddle I will simply get you cut off from Sky. so just be aware. I have your details and your card marked.
I too agree with you Toby, I have commented on this post a few times and noticed that you are getting alot of abuse from other users who are simply promoting illegal use of a product, this has to stop, as a past employee for sky I know a lot more than most about this and the fact is that something will happen about this soon. SO THATS THAT
Quote tobywoods123 "I have your details and your card marked"
From whom did you get such? 
You wouldn't have got those details from Eye on Spain, as such details are not kept.
I wonder what Justin thinks about this thread, and indeed some of the 'regulars' here on EOS that know about Spanish Law?
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Well, tobyw, we've smoked you out. Now we can all see what a nasty, small-minded little person you are.
Now- go ahead. Cut me off. Put up or shut up. Ring Sky, the Queen, God whoever. And get yourself a dictionary.
In the meantime, shouldn't you be closing down all the companies offering Sky? That should shut you up for a while.
Expat man, you are almost as bad. You may have been a 'Sky employee' - although there are many types of Sky employeees from tealadies to directors -but you know as little as the other guy.
Football tonight!!!
_______________________ The Owl of Minerva spreads her wings only at the onset of dusk....
my last post applies to Praguepic, if you carry posting twoddle I will simply get you cut off from Sky. so just be aware. I have your details and your card marked
Thus spake Hauptsturmbahnfuhrer tobyw. You want to know where I live - OK we'll swap addresses. How dare you post threats like that, although you have no way of carrying them out and even if you could, I would simply ring up Alan James or some other company which instals Sky and be reconnected within an hour. Then all your time will be spent tracking me which will amuse me greatly.
Just who do you think you are? Now -where's my Sky remote???? I promise to tell the world the minute my signal disappears.
_______________________ The Owl of Minerva spreads her wings only at the onset of dusk....
Come on EOS moderators! PLEASE remove this thread
This site should be informative and not a playground where people can get abusive.
That is an excellent suggestion. Then tw will have to stop posting misleading information and empty threats and I can stop wasting my time being goaded into replyinmg to them.
_______________________ The Owl of Minerva spreads her wings only at the onset of dusk....
think this subject is getting a little out of hand, please lets just get back to the basics, If you watch Sky in Spain it is illegal, i realise that some of the tic for tac comments have now started but we must remain as a discussion group rather than hit out at each other, i find many things on this site helpful and informative so this is just another post, i think when people are told they are doing something illegal its human nature to put up your guards, so i understand you slagging myself and mr woods off, however lets not get off our prams, this issue is a fact and needs to be brought up from time to time just so people realise they could be commiting a offence, however small we may think this is.
would simply ring up Alan James or some other company which instals Sky and be reconnected within an hour.
as a answer to this, I do know Mr James and I do not think he would be very pleased with you quoting his name on here.
Expat man, you are almost as bad. You may have been a 'Sky employee' - although there are many types of Sky employeees from tealadies to directors -but you know as little as the other guy.
Football tonight!!!
I find this a little childish but i understand as this subject has obviously hit a nerve, however just to clarify I work for Sky for over 10 years a technical director, yes they do employ tea ladies etc, but I think these people should be subject to abuse. Hope you enjoyed the football, and continue too, but please lets just go back to the basic post, SKY IS ILLEGAL IN SPAIN.
I hope this puts a stop to any other ms-leading claims or future abuse on this post
Hi all,
I would like to second what xpat man has said in his last post, lets just act human again, i think we are all guilty of having a pop at each other, i me for one would apologise if this went down the heated route.
I also find this website very informative and would agree that this post just started as piece of information to those who do not know they are commiting a minor offence.
i wish you all good luck and yes i agree keep enjoying the football!
Because i have done a fair amount of resaerch I would like to try add some sense into this debate and a lot of the issues here are the term ilegal
It is not a criminal offence to watch Sky is Spain, you cannot be arrested and i cannot see that the dish Police are going around kowcking on the doors of private residents ti check what you are watching what you are doing is breaaking the terms of your agreement with SKY, a private comonay with a private contract agreement
It is against the broadcasting terms of the Sky agreement which you sign when connecting to Sky pay channels, Sky1 , Movies and Sports etc and typically if Sky find out they will turn off the viewing card
The crackdown that I have seen locally has been to target the bars that show and promote live matches, both English and Spanish bars, for financial gain and most people know that in the UK you have to pay a higher fee to show matches, hence the biggest issue is lost revenues by Sky
To give you an idea the cost for a licence to show Sky in a pub varies from 4000 - 20000 pounds per year and busineses are regularly fined for not have a licence
The crime is therefore associated with re-broadcasting the signal and content for financial gain
We all remember the closure on the re-broadcasters and people like Polaris turning the chanels off agian because of the financial gain
Systems like Freesat allow you to LEGALLY watch the FTA channels, as I do with a large dish and some Sky channels like Sky News but I have no paid for Sky channels because I don´t need them
Watching football is no problem as many matches are shown on the Spanish TDT system on GolTV and LA2, 7 matches this weekend alone, and when Gol goes on subscription I will use this as it will be much cheaper than Sky
But again I must state that this is not a criminal offence, you will not get arrested by the Police, infact agian it is money and commercial issues as normal
This message was last edited by inspectahomespain on 24/08/2009.
_______________________ Roy Howitt
Independent Property Consultant
627 955 748
I'll place a small wager here. xpatman & tobywoods123 are one and the same person.
More often than not, their posts appear within 10 minutes of each other, ie just about enough time to log out, log in under the alias and post a supportive comment.
And, "I used to work for Sky" is about as persuasive an argument as "Some of my best friends are black/gay/Jewish/Manchester United fans [delete as applicable to the pointless internet fight you're involved with]".