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Me and my partner are thinking of moving to spain in the new year.
We are 17 & 18 years old.
I Have a full set of A*-B GCSE grades and he has IT training.
I've lived in spain before and have always wanted to go back, now is my chance!
How would i got about moving over? And what jobs can we do to keep ourselves going ?
Im thinking of moving to torrevieja but i'm not to fussed on where we go.
Any ideas or advice would be helpful! :D
Work is not easy in Spain at the present moment. You need experience and master of the Spanish language to start with. Plese be cautious: you are young.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Hi outai,
My recommendation is do not move now, there really is no work and the situation is starting to get desperate in many places. If i was you i would stay put, save money and reconsider in a few months time. Specially with winter comming you are very unlikely to find a job. If you do not speak Spanish it will be even harder.
Its a super idea and if you can secure work maybe with property management companies or elsewhere until you find what you want at a later stage. Bring plenty of money with you for the first 2 months and if it does not work cant you come home. You can rent an apartment quiet cheep
If you cant get work then stay at home.
I would never put anyone off from doing anything but I agree with all the comments on here. Things are very tough in Spain and work is very seasonal along the coasts, so now is definitely not a good time to come.
I always recommend to people that they have at least 12 months worth of money in the bank to keep them going whilst they find their feet. If you can do that then at least it will give you a little time to play with whilst you find work, but it is tough.
Otherwise I think do as Susan says. Do a degree in Spanish and by that time hopefully there will be more opportunities for you then.
Spain isn't going anywhere, don't feel the need to rush here, you're both still very young.
Best of luck with whatever it is you decide to do.
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
I would like to take a different view especially as you are young. If you dont try your dont get and you seem so keen. If you are not giving up anything in the UK like a good job or studies why not take a little time out to visit. Rents here are al there lowest. Some apartments on the Costa del Sol for as little as 450 euros a month. 2 bed and new. Though there is less employment there is still work available. You have nothing to lose as long as you have the fare back home. Where has everyones sense of adventure gone. There seem to not be any children involved and they are young.
Myra Cecilia.
If I can put another angle on it, I'm a landlord, and I wouldn't rent a flat to a couple as young as you who are unemployed, so seriously consider where you are going to live. Maybe contact some letting angies and find out if you can rent a property first.
Hello Alyson. Chuckling here. I understand your reasoning and its not easy to trust letting to anyone these days. Its just that I am sitting on the beach, had a swim, beautiful blue sea, fantastic views of the Costa and Northern Africa and that young couple just dying to come down. I know a couple who came down in the last recession with a camper and 1.500 pounds. They now have a house, two vehicles a motorbike and have now just paid off the mortgage. Done much better than me. Depends who you are really. Taking the laptop home its a very bad beach companion.
This message was last edited by myra cecilia on 24/10/2009.
Myra Cecilia.
Beats using my laptop in a cold wet miserable England. Bet you feel a bit better now don't you!!!
What you see is what you get 
Philevans. I only feel better because you made me laugh. wish all of you and your laptops could be here too. I dont know how yours behaves but as I stated on FB mine, does not like the sun, the sea, being splashed and absolutely hates the sand. Took it home cooked some fresh sardines made a salad and went back minus laptop. I wanted to do a Mr Bean. There were lots of fishing rods, like one person with 5 here anthor with 4 there. Not my favourites when you are trying to swim. Anyway as usual they were not catching anything. I just wanted to wave two of my cooked sardines at them. A silly thought. Wishing you better weather.
Myra Cecilia.