We wondered if any one could offer advice on who or whom is the best Supplier to sign up for on Water Supplies and Electric Supplier , reason being we don`t know at present if one even has a choice in either but should ther be then maybe some one can tell us who is better and which Suppliers to avoid , ie the ones who are rude, don`t help when something goes wrong and overcharges and then makes it impossible to deal with! ( These seem to be the biggest gripes we have come across on the Threads )
The house , when we have managed to get it , will not be used very much initially but there will be power and water needed for builders , also we can`t bare the hassle as some seem to have of losing power when a kettle is put on same time as the Washing Machine, that to us is sooo 3rd world , would rather pay for higher supply to cover Hi- Fi , TV , washing machine dishwaser , tumbledryer etc etc , such a bore if one is having to `dance` around what we can and cannot use at same time !!
Thanks Vee