The Comments |
How about an 'I Recommend' thread? It can be difficult (legally) to publicly criticise a service. We all have horror stories to tell. The best way of putting the crooks and the inept out of business is for forums to provide an an 'I Recommend' thread so we can focus on the good guys.
I shall start it off:
I need a new mobile phone / network - like NOW. Any suggestions anyone? - Michael

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
I have found Vodafone to have the best coverage.
Just hope you don't need the customer service though.....
still here after all these years!
I agree with georgia,
It does seem that Vodafone have the best coverage here in Spain, especially here on the Costa Del Sol
My Spanish mobile which is one Vodaphone always seems to be in signal, but my UK Orange isn't too bad expect inside the house!!?!?!?!
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
does that go for dongles as well?
What you see is what you get 
As far as I'm aware Phil, yes!
But I must admit I can... yes I really can... recommend Telefonica for Internet service.
We're on a 6Mb line and I actually get the full whack!
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Yes, as TechnoApe (hey, neighbour!), we also have a 6MB ADSL connection (with Telefonica) and whenever I've tested the speed, it has most of the time come up at over 5.25MB - although I would say the upload speed is a bit slow!
This message was last edited by Pitby on 29/10/2009.
Que pasa, Mike? I thought you took out some new mobile broadband contract complete with dongle a couple of months ago?
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ahhhhhhhhhhhh caught! Someone isn't reading my original post. I am looking for a new mobile phone and network but hey, you are right. I did sign up to Vodaphone dongle for my Internet, which has now been in use for eight weeks.
I can't complain about the cost: for as far as I can see they haven't taken anything from my account so I am down only on the first month's payment (45€ made when I signed up. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Not a word from you lot.
Other than that, it is undoubtedly slower than the Telefonica hardwire connection but at 30€ less a month it is a trade-off of sorts. Otherwise it is fine. I would still recommend Vodaphone dongle. Completely portable of course and hardwire cannot compete with that whatever the cost.
The concensus of opinion seems to suggest a Vodaphone mobile phone is the best for me so watch this space everyone. Cheers and have a nice day wherever you are. Mike

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
My daughter has a vodofone dongle, 35 a month I think, however you are limited to the amount you download, when the max is reached approx 2/3 hours on the net, it really slows down.
That, jaycee is what I was told. I hunted around experts as to what 3g actually meant and to be honest it simply couldn't be calculated in advance. Mine ran out on day eleven leaving of course 20 days ......
As you might expect I was apprehensive; costs higher or seriously slower service? I was assured by a neighbour who's on it to simply ignore the 'over limit' sign; there would be no difference to service, speed or cost.
He was right. The only downside is that compared to hardwire connection it is slower anyway. But I still use it professionally. I hope it will get better as the competition in the industry heats up.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details