I am sorry but I think you are a bit confused about the role of a president in a community. He or she is just an officer of a mini-democracy, thus he or she might not “dissuade a request” even “if he/she thought it could be in some way disruptive to the community”
Regarding the change of an Administrator in a community the answer is clear. It is required the majority of the owners in a meeting. Once the resolution is passed the president on behalf of the community will sign the contract with the new administrator. If the president does not obtain the consent of the owners, the contract may be challenged and will be of no effect
The duties of a president are provided by law:
i. To summon ordinary meetings of the OC at least once a year.
ii. To summon extraordinary meetings when he or she finds it necessary.
iii. To chair the meetings of the OC supervising its running.
iv. To acknowledge requests from the owners addressing them to the OC, in particular those issues stemmed from section 7 (1).
v. To prepare and bring court actions representing the commonhold demanding commonholders to cease in their actions in accordance with section 7 (2).
vi. To warn owners of breaches in their duties ensuring that all commonholders observe their obligations towards the commonhold as a whole and in relation to other owners in particular. The president shall, in particular, use any right, power or procedure conferred by virtue of the Act for the purpose of preventing, remedying or curtailing a failure on the part of a commonholder to comply with a requirement or duty imposed on him by virtue of the title or a provision of the Act.
vii. To sign agreements with providers or suppliers provided that the Owners’ Committee has decided so in pursuance of section 14 (e).
On the other hand the Owners’ Committee or all the owners who attend a meeting have the following roles in accordance with section 14
(a) To appoint and to remove persons for the aforementioned offices (presidents, vice-presidents, secretary, administrators) in the previous section and to deal with any claims presented by owners against the performance of their functions.
(b) To approve the budget of foreseeable expenses and income and the corresponding accounts.
(c) To approve estimates and authorise all repair works to be performed on the property, whether ordinary or extraordinary, and to be informed of any urgent measures adopted by the administrator in accordance with the terms of section 20 (c)
(d) To approve or amend the Articles and establish the internal rules.
(e) To inquire into and resolve on the other matters of general interest to the community, adopting those measures deemed necessary or advisable for the best common service.