I know that EOS is in no way at all a dating agency nor should it ever ever be , but don't you think that a field in the profile section to say if you are ,married ,attached , single etc would be good .I just spotted a very nice chap but don't know if he is single or not !!!!!
PS We still have a huge problem with people not filling in any profile details at all ,Makes things very difficult when we don't even know if a person is male , female or indifferent to gender stereotypes . Indeed most profiles have zero details and could be nobody at all ! Devastating mistakes could be made !!!!!
Happy new year to all at EOS .I know I have been a pest this year but I will try to improve in 2010 .All the very best ,I hope all your new year dreams come true . A huge thank you for your wonderful site .MM
This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 30/12/2009.