Goodbye to all......with a sad heart

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22 Dec 2009 12:00 AM by Emerald Property Management Star rating in Estepona,Malaga. 179 posts Send private message

Sadly my family and I will be heading back to the UK at the end of January. Having lived in many different parts of CDS over the last 6 years and giving birth to both of my children here it has now become impossible to stay as my husband is just not getting enough work. We are devastated, the thought of bringing my babies up in the UK and not in Spain is awful for me but we cannot live on air any longer and need to go back to make some money. We WILL be back to Spain ASAP and I will still be in touch on EOS. Thank you all for the support and advice you have offered and a warning to anyone in the construction industry planning on moving to SPain.......wait!!!

Merry Christmas to all and heres to a better year!! x


Vicci Healy  Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists ...

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23 Dec 2009 12:16 AM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

Sorry to hear that. But hope you are going back to a good area in UK as a lot of people are not selling property here. 

As you probaly know but you must have done your research hope it works out well, you never know things might improve and you will be able to go back.

Take care Pat   



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23 Dec 2009 8:44 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

Oh no.  It is so tough at the moment.  We know many people living on savings now and that won't last long.  We also just waved off some friends who went back last weekend and we have others that are also probably going back in the new year.

Things are really tough for everyone out here at the moment.

I hope things go well for you in the UK and that we'll see you back here (if we're still here ourselves!) when you return in the not too distant future.

All the best to you and your family.



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23 Dec 2009 12:25 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

The effects of this recession are being felt worldwide,but new business ventures seem to be fairing the worst. Very sad news for the young entrepeneurs who,in better times, would create jobs and futures for thousands of the next generation.

A niece who emigrated to Australia five years ago came back in April. A general feeling of homesickness was compounded by the death of her widowed mother-in-law,  who joined them in Australia, and caused an overwhelming feeling to return. They virtually dropped everything, put a brand new, custom built luxury home up for rent and got on the next flight home with four children aged 18 months to seven years.

After a doing the rounds of visiting, and buying a house to renovate they have realised that the quality of life which they enjoyed in Australia falls far of the mark in the UK. Her husband, who is self employed, has been unable to find enough work to maintain an acceptable life style and in the New Year they are all going back,and for good this time. 

From my point of view the recession has worked to their favour, but these are difficult times for many families.

My sympathies and very best wishes go to anyone faced with these choices.  Let us hope this current state of affairs will soon be turned around, and people can again follow their dream.








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24 Dec 2009 6:21 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

 My best wishes to you. Please let us know if you ever need anything



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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24 Dec 2009 6:07 PM by Abolex Star rating in Andalucia - Murcia -.... 136 posts Send private message

Abolex´s avatar

Have our best wishes...

Hopefully you will find SOON what you need to come back to Spain!


Martin de La Herran Sabick Abogado / Lawyer (reg. 851 Jerez)

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24 Dec 2009 8:08 PM by Linda Needham Star rating in Jumilla,Spain. 302 posts Send private message

Linda Needham´s avatar

We wish you luck and happiness for the future.  So many of us expats are hanging on by the skin of our teeth here in Spain.  Many will have no choice but to go back in the early part of next year and try to start again.  It is heartbreaking.

Merry Christmas


Linda Needham
La Alberquilla
Jumilla, Murcia

R4 308 For Rental

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26 Dec 2009 10:31 AM by coolrunner Star rating in la marina. 91 posts Send private message

coolrunner´s avatar

my wife and i are going back in february,i was hoping to ride out the storm but its gone on too long,their is a fine line with breaking into savings as people will need a lot of their savings to set up home back in the uk

if you dont know where your going any road will get you their

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26 Dec 2009 7:35 PM by Jet48 Star rating in Estepona / Great Yar.... 106 posts Send private message

Jet48´s avatar

So sorry for all the folks who are forced to go, at least you have tried and who knows maybe in the future you will be able to make a success of it.

Things are tough both in the UK and Spain at the moment.Governments don't seem to make it any easier with more rules, regs and taxes. Is this a consequence of being in the euro zone, things did seem simpler in years gone by.

Anyhow think positive and keep your chins up, persevere and I'm sure things will come good.

 Best of luck to you all. 


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27 Dec 2009 10:48 PM by Sunrise Star rating in UK. 417 posts Send private message

Sunrise´s avatar

Best of luck!





This message was last edited by Sunrise on 27/12/2009.




Blog De Sunrise

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28 Dec 2009 1:15 AM by MAGICMEG Star rating in Scotland. 546 posts Send private message

Best of luck ,it is so very sad when things don't work out but at least you gave it your best shot .I hope things change for the better in the future and you get another shot soon  .

A toast to you guys for trying and in the hope that things will improve for all of us in the future  - 

 Quisiera hacer un brindis. ¡Salud, dinero y amor y el tiempo para gozarlos!

A toast.  Health, money and love and the time to enjoy them 

All the best  !  Good luck .MM



This message was last edited by MAGICMEG on 28/12/2009.


  Nothing surprises me anymore  

     but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be  wrong !

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28 Dec 2009 12:18 PM by Emerald Property Management Star rating in Estepona,Malaga. 179 posts Send private message

Thanks to all for your kind messeges. It's so sad there are so many of us being forced to leave the country we love but hopefully we can all make it back here some day. Good luck to everyone in the same situation as us, I hope it works out for you all. Lets all stay in touch on here,it may make us feel a little better to hear people moaning about Telefonica!!!

Thanks again x

Vicci Healy  Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists ...

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28 Dec 2009 12:58 PM by Gamekeeper Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

It is sad when this happens, may I wish those returning every success. For me it is still about going the other way; putting the UK house on the market and relocating in Almeria from (hopefully) March/April/May onwards. Initially we would be renting until the right property is found. I am now retired with a pension and some saving to fall back on, but my partner would be looking for any work he can get. I would be interested in the general concensus of opinion as to whether you feel this would be a foolish move.

Happy New Year.



This message was last edited by Gamekeeper on 28/12/2009.

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28 Dec 2009 1:37 PM by Jack5340 Star rating in Calahonda Costa Del .... 56 posts Send private message

EMS sorry it hasn't worked out for you this time but hopefully it will in the future. Best of luck back in England.


Gamekeeper, give it a go.

We took a calculated rsk and came over in July. It took five years of planning and waiting to achieve. As long as you have enough to get by and a reserve you should be ok. Don't expect it to be a lot cheaper to live in Spain. Lots of people will disagree but we think that it's about 10% cheaper overall. If the pound/euro exchange rate improves then that will be even better.

Do make sure that you have some money behind you to get thru the first year as there will be lots of costs that you will not have accounted for.

Anyway the best of luck. .

Don't say you can't do something without adding the word YET after it.

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29 Dec 2009 7:37 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


several more demolitions announced in Almeria just before xmas, and more heartbroken brits who have all their papers in order!, so be careful!!. Nearly two years since the Priors place was demolished nearby, and still not resolved.

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30 Dec 2009 1:13 AM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

Sorry, am I missing something here?

Wasn't there a property resurgence just a short while ago, it must have been very short-lived for this much gloom to descend.

What is going on Justin?

I am told that a penthouse bought for investment, similar to the one I refused as unfit, has achieved only a single 6 month let since completion and is costing the owner £20,000 per year despite the valiant efforts of the community workers.

This sort of news belies all the silly spin.

Good luck to all which ever direction you are pointing.

I suppose the security net here takes some of the chance out of things.



N. Sands

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30 Dec 2009 8:15 PM by peteha Star rating. 110 posts Send private message
















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31 Dec 2009 12:37 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

Dear All,

I suppose gloom is just as bad as spin if it is meant to deceive.

My personal gloom seems real enough to me, as I cough and sneeze my way through yet another wet cold and miserable week, with the supplement now gone. It did not quite last into the new year.

I suppose the key to it all is employment and income, and shooting the messenger wont change that.

I hope that all achieve the sanctuary they seek in whichever country they are heading for.

The crime is the deception from whatever source.

The turkey stew, now on, may bring some relief and at least I will be able to warm my hands on the pot.

Best wishes to all.



N. Sands

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31 Dec 2009 1:07 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar


Stick some curry powder in the stew. That'll warm you up!!

.........................and a Happy New Year to you too.







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02 Jan 2010 1:22 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


just a reminder of the current situation that peteha calls people ' gloom and doom mongers'  for pointing out!

There will be a protest march in Almería on Monday January 11th against the final notices delivered during the Christmas holidays on eight homes scattered across Albox in various areas with two things in common - first that they were bought legally with all local legal papers, town hall, lawyers and notaries in order, yet form part of the '11,000 illegal homes' identified by the Junta de Andalucía in Eastern Almería, and second, they all belong to Brits.

Let's hope in 2010 will bring an end to this kind of shame on Spain. Until then let's all shout about it far and wide, and across threads as a constant reminder of just how bad things are for some and how urgent change really is required, while supporting those trying everything they can to change a system that has let so many down. Doing nothing is not working!!

 Good luck to all those moving, whereever you are going and may peace be with you in 2010.

A very happy new year to all.

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