Goodbye to all......with a sad heart

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30 Jun 2010 4:09 PM by Emerald Property Management Star rating in Estepona,Malaga. 179 posts Send private message

Hi Morerosado@

Thank you for the info, I will join as many sites as I can tomorrow and also think about an FB group. I have been so busy today trying to sort things out on the UK end and tomorrow I am visiting the CAB and the Civil Registry so I may have some more news then! I am feeling a little down today as I dont feel there is anything that can be done for me and it is so frustrating. Maria emailed telling me it is a judicial issue and although I have asked her by pm and on this thread if there is anything that can be done,she has not replied so I think maybe she just doesnt like to tell me there is no hope!

I just feel like there is so much to think about at the moment and my little brain is struggling to sort out anything!! Add a 3 and a 1 year old to the mix and imagine my state of mind!! LOL, oh well.....more news tomorrow I hope!I will make sure to wake up in a better state of mind tomorrow and see where that gets me!

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the sunshine.


Vicci Healy  Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists ...

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30 Jun 2010 4:40 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Well, don't you give up, Vicci! It will get sorted, it's really A LOT to you but it's a stamp on a bit of paper (I guess) to the authorities.

I was following the plight of a British woman whose marriage was over & her ex husband had access rights. She lived in Spain as did he, but she needed to go & live in the UK for various reasons, money & her family were there but her husband refused to let her, telling the authorities it would prevent him from seeing the kids even though he saw them as & when he wanted rather than when it was arranged. His ex-wife insisted she wanted their kids to grow up knowing their father but she NEEDED to live in the UK. There was stalemate & she was ordered, so I understand, to live in Spain.

She started a facebook page & suddenly her ex relented, saying she could live in the UK, so pressure works. I'm sorry I cannot find anything for you to read as newspapers in Spain carried the story a couple of weeks or longer ago.

My local newspapers are (We get this where we are, it's widespread).

There's a Costa Del Sol edition here of the one above

I'd contact all, they surely can tell you where you can have your story published in your area.

Don't despair, it'll get sorted.


This message was last edited by morerosado on 30/06/2010.


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30 Jun 2010 8:36 PM by Emerald Property Management Star rating in Estepona,Malaga. 179 posts Send private message

thank you.....and thanks for all the kind private messages also.

I am to tired to do much tonight but hopefully tomorrow will bring something positive and I can get some more stuff done! I cant tell you all how much it as helped me to read all the messages of support and I can never thank you all enough.

Good news tomorrow hopefully!


Vicci Healy  Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists ...

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01 Jul 2010 11:02 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

Just saying beunos dias, how are you today? Many are thinking of you, stay strong Vicci.


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01 Jul 2010 1:23 PM by maylin Star rating in Andalucia and Hertfo.... 71 posts Send private message

I think that everyone on here is with you. Everyone would love to help and find a solution to this sorry state of affairs. I think it disgraceful that the UK authorities do not help a British Citizen of such tender years when they would help a foreign 'asylum seeker'.

I wonder what would happen :-

Hypothetically speaking - If someone similar to yourself - was to drive to the UK. Cross via the Tunnel or Ferry, which I have done many times, without too much checking. Then once in the UK 'Claim Asylum'.

Mmmmmm  Makes you think.

Locked up and the key thrown away I would think.   Makes my blood boil.

I think I might email my MEP (with your consent) and I think I might try the British Embassy as well. It might not do much good but it might just annoy them.

Best of luck to you.


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01 Jul 2010 5:19 PM by meggie Star rating in England. 114 posts Send private message

I have read this thread from beginning to end and I am absolutely amazed by the way Vicci and her family have been treated by the Spanish authorities that could help her to get a birth certificate more quickly if they really wanted to.  The one phrase that I can't seem to get out of my head is one of those you hear time and time again when, as a Brit, you are thinking of relocating to, "The Spanish absolutely adore children". 

What on earth is going on here?



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01 Jul 2010 9:20 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message


Dear All

Just how do you endorse these posts with all your being when your blood is boiling too.


N. Sands

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01 Jul 2010 10:26 PM by Emerald Property Management Star rating in Estepona,Malaga. 179 posts Send private message

Ok so..........Went to the CAB this morning and spoke to the lovely Antonio, who didnt charge me anything for his time! After reading through my paperwork he thought it looked like it was almost sorted and advised me to go back to the Registro Civil. I did so and I only had TEN people in front of me,usually its 25 or more so I felt I might be having a lucky day! They said my file is now in the Marbella Registro Civil and would be terminado soon!! I called Marbella and they did not have a record yet but since it was sent on the 25th June,they would have it ten days after that date. Not sure if this is the best news ever or if i am being lied to but I have a sneaking suspition things will soon be over!It seems the main issue all this time has been the time it takes to post things from one place to another. It has been an issue over and over again for me,being told the paperwork has been ready for weeks but the court messenger has not picked it up. Hopefully my nightmare will soon be over but postage should not be an issue like this. I intend to do all I can to make sure no one has to deal with the same problems. Thanks all for the messages and please think good thoughts for me!!

Vicci x

Vicci Healy  Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists ...

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01 Jul 2010 11:40 PM by Patty_1 Star rating in Hertfordshire. UK. .... 1062 posts Send private message

That is great news Vicci, lets hope you are not getting the run around and it will happen.!!!!!! 

Fingers and toes crossed for you it is so ridiculous cannot believe it has happened to you.

But after watching the prgramme about Dubai nothing surprises me anymore.

Take care hope the good news comes soon.





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02 Jul 2010 10:12 AM by meggie Star rating in England. 114 posts Send private message

Thinking good thoughts for you, Vicci. I think you have been amazing. It must be incredibly stressful, having to deal with all this on your own.  Well done! Here's hoping it wont be long before everything is sorted and you can get on with the rest of your plans for the future.



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05 Jul 2010 3:24 PM by normansands Star rating in Kent. 1277 posts Send private message

 Dear All,

is it a question of "no news is good news"?



N. Sands

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08 Jul 2010 9:00 AM by Emerald Property Management Star rating in Estepona,Malaga. 179 posts Send private message

Hi All@

Sorry I have not been around, SOOO busy trying to sort out the move back! Trying to furnish a 3 bed house from another country and sort out schools etc. is not easy! Meggie,thanks for your lovely words but I cannot take all the credit, my amazing mum and dad have been here for me every day and I can never thank them enough!

Called Marbella after ten days like they said and the Expediente number given to me by Estepona actually refers to some Spanish guys marriage certificate on Marbellas records!!! Trying to get back in touch with Estepona but they dont answer the phone! I am hoping it is just ANOTHER mistake but can be easily rectified! My mum and dad are trying to come up with the money for a lawyer now as I am leaving in 5 days and I dont know when I will see my son again. My poor mum is now going to have to look after him AND try to get this sorted so we think we need the help of a pro!

Anyway, sorry again for not being around so much and hope you are all well and enjoyed the match last night!!! COME ON THE FINAL!!!!!!!!


Vicci Healy  Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists ...

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08 Jul 2010 9:35 AM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

Typical inefficancy!!!

What will the lawyer do for you.? How much is a lawyer going to cost you? Spain is an incredibly procedural environment and you are already in the system (just not moving!) so unless your lawyer is planning a different approach then he/she may not be able to do much more than you are doing yourself. A Spanish lawyer will never refuse a fee but remember you could be paying a lawyer to take a meat counter ticket and queue for 3 hours at a time to be told the same thing as you. Also bear in mind if lawyer is planning a different approach then we are entering the holiday season and all these court/official offices will shut down anyway. If you are going to get professional help then a good gestoria might be better. A gestoria dealing with this office on a regular basis may well have good contacts and be able to progress the matter and also be a lot cheaper than a lawyer.

I recall when I was dealing with one of these registration offices and after going back numerous times I asked could I telephone to see if the document had arrived or if they would post it out when it came in. The answer was we don't answer phones and we don't post out so just pop back in in 10 days and we'll look through THE PILE again.


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08 Jul 2010 9:35 AM by Faro Star rating in London. 1139 posts Send private message

Typical inefficancy!!!

What will the lawyer do for you.? How much is a lawyer going to cost you? Spain is an incredibly procedural environment and you are already in the system (just not moving!) so unless your lawyer is planning a different approach then he/she may not be able to do much more than you are doing yourself. A Spanish lawyer will never refuse a fee but remember you could be paying a lawyer to take a meat counter ticket and queue for 3 hours at a time to be told the same thing as you. Also bear in mind if lawyer is planning a different approach then we are entering the holiday season and all these court/official offices will shut down anyway. If you are going to get professional help then a good gestoria might be better. A gestoria dealing with this office on a regular basis may well have good contacts and be able to progress the matter and also be a lot cheaper than a lawyer.

I recall when I was dealing with one of these registration offices and after going back numerous times I asked could I telephone to see if the document had arrived or if they would post it out when it came in. The answer was we don't answer phones and we don't post out so just pop back in in 10 days and we'll look through THE PILE again.


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08 Jul 2010 11:07 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

What a nightmare.

Vicci, can you pm me your phone number?  We can have a chat and see if any of my contacts can help.



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08 Jul 2010 12:32 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

My concern Vicci is that this problem is going to be even more difficult to sort out from the UK. Hope Justin can help you.

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09 Jul 2010 11:25 PM by Emerald Property Management Star rating in Estepona,Malaga. 179 posts Send private message

Hi Justin and Sue, did you oth get my messages.@

I have had 4 friends calling both Estepona and Marbella all day and NO ONE answers the phone! I am heading there AGAIN monday morning. Monday is my last day here so it should be great fun! Especially since my mum is baby sitting so I can go out and watch the final on Sunday! Hung over in the civil registro sound great!!


Vicci Healy  Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists ...

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10 Jul 2010 11:57 AM by suemac Star rating in Jumilla, Murcia. 1001 posts Send private message

Hi Vicci

Just to let you know that I have sent an email to your personal email address.

Hi Justin and others

Depending on the outcome on Monday, is there anything we can all do to help Vicci?  Faro mentioned a gestoria - would this be a good idea?  Could we set up a fund to cover the costs of a gestoria using paypal via EOS?  Just a few thoughts, and I would be interested to hear what others think.

Best wishes to all, but especially Vicci and her family.



 Sue Walker

Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon

See my blog about our life in Spain:

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11 Jul 2010 12:23 AM by Emerald Property Management Star rating in Estepona,Malaga. 179 posts Send private message

Bless you Sue@

But I didnt come on here for charity. Someone,whom I will not name unless they want me to has already offered me money but I cannot accept these very kind offers. I only wanted advice or help if anyone knew someone in the Registro Civil. Free cash is not the reason I posted this info but I thank everyone for you kind messages and thoughts. Your support has truly been a blessing to me.

Vicci xx

Vicci Healy  Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists ...

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11 Jul 2010 9:46 AM by suemac Star rating in Jumilla, Murcia. 1001 posts Send private message


How about an interest-free loan?  Just to get things moving with a gestoria, who may very well have good contacts in the Registro Civil?   Anyway, I will leave that to your discretion but would be interested in other people's thoughts too. 

I have received your email and will get back to you later.

Enjoy the match tonight!!!

Best wishes.



 Sue Walker

Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon

See my blog about our life in Spain:

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