Goodbye to all......with a sad heart

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08 Jan 2010 12:46 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 I wish you all the best and know personally how devastating it can be to be forced back to somewhere you don't really want to be.

I have some very good friends who are having to leave to return to the yUK and it is very upsetting for everyone,in fact i have my doubts that come the day one of them will have to be physically put on the plane.........

They are going with a mindset of coming back when they have a little more finanacial security behind them.

It's strange, you don't see many threads with "Whooopee,we are going back to the Uk" do you....

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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08 Jan 2010 1:10 PM by delza Star rating. 77 posts Send private message

Good luck with your move and let's hope for everyones sake that Spains recovery is quicker than expected and your return will be a happy one!

I'm currently back in the UK working and commuting back to Spain when I can!

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08 Jan 2010 5:59 PM by maylin Star rating in Andalucia and Hertfo.... 71 posts Send private message

Good luck and hurry back.

"Tis true there does not appear to be a "Whooopee, we are going back to the UK." thread.

But returning to the yUK (Presume that was intentional) many are.

They are returning to that safe haven, to await better times, get financially sound and then return. That's fine but I don't think the UK should then be slaughtered.

Nobody is 'forced' to come here or 'forced' to return to the UK. People simply weigh up the options and make the best decision for themselves and their families.

Nowhere is perfect and I wouldn't compare/criticise either country or their ciitizens. If we were to start that it would take an age to discuss degrees of corruption, taxes, jobs, banks etc. etc.

No, enjoy what any country can give. For those returing 'Home' if and when you feel like it come back.

Chin up and be positive.


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08 Jan 2010 6:11 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


well said indeed. Good to see well balanced posts. As you say, many pro's and cons to both.

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08 Jan 2010 6:27 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Georgia wrote: 

It's strange, you don't see many threads with "Whooopee,we are going back to the Uk" do you....

That's true but when the going gets tough in Spain they come back to the UK!  For  what? It's by no means easy here either Unemployment is expected to increase this year. Jobs are difficult to come by .(especially in the construction business.) But...there are "benefits" to be had, unlike Spain.  As Maylin says, don't knock the UK, It has MANY qualities that Spain would do well to copy. Sun and sangria is not the be all of everything.  I just hope people returning are realistic about what is available in the UK at present to help make their return to Spain " financially viable."

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08 Jan 2010 8:03 PM by Emerald Property Management Star rating in Estepona,Malaga. 179 posts Send private message

I don't think many people here would say they live in Spain for the 'sun and sangria'!! It is a totally different way of life. No one is knocking the UK,it's just not where I choose to live. In my opinion,the benefit system in the UK is not something anyone should wish to copy. I think Spain has it more correct. You cannot just chose to move here with 10 kids and get a free house and living expenses. As I have said a few times, I am born and bred in the UK,as are my entire family. We have all paid in plenty of tax and NI for us to be able to claim when times are hard. The reason we are so upset about leaving Spain is for our childrens sakes. They were both born here and there is alot more freedom for children in Spain than the UK.  My husband has a construction job to go back to so all is fine in that department.

Vicci Healy  Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists ...

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08 Jan 2010 8:33 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Living in any foreign country is a "different way of life" Not always sustainable unless you have the finances in place. I get teed off when people make out that it is the end of the world having to live here. Having said that, I do hope it all goes well for you and your family Vicci.  It's going to be hard for your children to adapt to the cold here amongst other things, but it will be an experience for them that hopefully they will benefit from. A life experience. I can understand peoples disappointment at having to return to the UK, when circumstances set the scenario. Stay positive though. We lived in Paris when we were first married. My husband worked for an international firm of Chartered Accountants. We had a fantastic lifestyle. We came back when my son was a baby and it was very hard to adjust to living back in the UK. 

At least when you do go back to Spain it will be with eyes wide open. Good Luck.


This message was last edited by Tish on 08/01/2010.

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08 Jan 2010 9:11 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


some good points there. Our kids have as much freedom as they wish in the UK. I think much depends on where you live in any country. As you say, you just have to stay positive. It may not be perfect here, but it's obviously a better alternative for many when the chips are down. You don' t hear that said very often either!, but you do hear lots of critisism of our benefit system, justified in many cases, but it does smack of double standards!

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08 Jan 2010 9:23 PM by Emerald Property Management Star rating in Estepona,Malaga. 179 posts Send private message

I feel like this thread is turning negative again and I never meant for that to happen. I can only speak from my own point of view and I am proud to be British and proud to have lived among the lovely Spanish people.  I could sit here and explain/justify my comments but I do not feel the need. I am very sad to have to leave Spain and go back to the UK and I do not apologise for it and I also don't want to offend anyone with it.


Vicci Healy  Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists ...

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08 Jan 2010 9:40 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

The thread topic is  kinda negative!   My posts are not meant to be read as negative, just a point of view.

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08 Jan 2010 9:46 PM by Emerald Property Management Star rating in Estepona,Malaga. 179 posts Send private message

I know Tish and thanks for the nice comments. I am kind of pleased to be able to show the kids where we come from and all the beautiful parts of England and the history. I did'nt even realise how negative the tread topic sounded until you just said!! Sorry, did'nt want to bring anyone down, just can't help feeling sad at leaving my home unwillingly!


Vicci Healy  Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists ...

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08 Jan 2010 9:58 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Perfectly understandable to feel sad, but  Hey! you're sounding a little more positive already!

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09 Jan 2010 11:16 AM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


though a sad topic, I think we are being positive by saying, 'sad though it is you having to leave the place you love, the return may not be as bad as you think?'........but be ready to buy a sledge!!!

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09 Jan 2010 11:19 AM by Emerald Property Management Star rating in Estepona,Malaga. 179 posts Send private message

Yes, MOST people have been very positive and made me feel so much better. I actually have my head round it now. 

Many thanks to all.

Vicci Healy  Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists ...

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09 Jan 2010 11:22 AM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Sledges are clean out  in the shops!!!  My daughter came (in her 4x4 !) and collected our wooden sledge that she and her brother used 25 years ago!!  That was our shopping trolley!  

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09 Jan 2010 11:23 AM by Sunrise Star rating in UK. 417 posts Send private message

Sunrise´s avatar

Goodstitch sledges are sold out almost everywhere




Blog De Sunrise

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09 Jan 2010 11:24 AM by Sunrise Star rating in UK. 417 posts Send private message

Sunrise´s avatar

Oops.....sorry Tish, we posted at the same time with almost the same message.




Blog De Sunrise

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09 Jan 2010 11:39 AM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


Sorry, yes I guess they are in short supply. You would think some out of work builders/carpenters could perhaps turn their hand to a bit of wooden sledge building?. Could probably make a small fortune if they work quick?

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09 Jan 2010 11:53 AM by Emerald Property Management Star rating in Estepona,Malaga. 179 posts Send private message

Ha Ha! What an excellent idea!! Unfortunately we won't be back there until March so I hope you our sakes and the sake of everyone in the UK the snow will be gone by then!


Vicci Healy  Emerald Property Management and Building Specialists ...

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09 Jan 2010 9:55 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


yes, I do hope so!  Could get in early for next winter?, they always sell out quick in the shops.

It's a lovely time of year you are coming back. Spring in the air and all that.

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