Hello fellow eye on Spainers.
Don't post on here often, but just want to give everyone a warning who is thinking of renting a car from Easter up to end of Sep. My husband and I own a small rent-a-car company (won't tell you who we are as I'm not here to tout for business), being in the industry we obviously know a few things that are going on. Banks in Spain still not offering anyone any finance, this was happening a year ago, but nothing is improving here, if you thought you were getting stung by the big airport companies last year, then be prepared for it to happen again. There will be even less cars this year than last year, despite the fact of high prices in the summer, many of the big guys still haven't recovered from the strife of last winter, as a consequence they are still behind on finance and leasing payments, which means no finance being granted, which means no new cars in the system. Don't leave it to late.