Escaping from Florida, USA

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26 Jan 2010 12:00 AM by La Vicky Star rating in Florida, USA. 6 posts Send private message

My husband and I are looking to move to Spain for at least a year.  We have two boys 8 and 10 and full of energy.  I have been working as an attorney in Florida and I am exhausted from the long hours of work away from my family.  I am hoping to find some time and reconnect again with my family.  I am looking for a quite town, preferably by the beach or within walking distance.  I would prefer to be in a town close enough to public transportation so that we can walk to transport and explore the country.  I also need to be close enough to a good school for the boys with a lot os sports.  I have thought of a bilingual school but really would like for them to learn panish (they speak very little Spanish).  I don't know where to start,  I just want to go and fugure it out there but I do not have that luxury because of the boys.  Can someone give me some suggestions on where to look or am I asking for something that is im  Thankspossible?  Where do I start looking?  Where can I start?  Any suggestions where I can go for information regarding visa permits?  Can someone help this tored lawyer please?  Thanks :)

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26 Jan 2010 6:39 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

 Dear colleague:

I would certainly suggest to you a small town better than a big one or a city. You will be more able to feel the spanish culture and the nearness and warmth of people. 

A tip: In a town where just one school exist, your children are alwats accepted, obligatory, whatever the moment to arrive to town, so... that is another advantage.

I would advise you a place like Grazalema or Arcos de la Frontera in Cádiz. If you want to contact us for further guidance, please do so.

Best regards,



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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26 Jan 2010 4:50 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

You appear to be describing where we live....Manilva.  It's on the Costa del Sol.  Maybe even Casares could appeal to you.

Sport is very big locally, particularly basketball and football.

The only thing I would say is that coming from Florida you may find that things appear to look a little "unfinished" here.  I only say that because we had some guests from Florida recently and they were a bit shocked as to how unfinished things appeared to be.

Have you looked at anywhere in Spain already?

And a final point, it is widely accepted that from around 10 - 13 years of age children start to struggle to learn a new language.  At those sorts of ages it can be better for them to go to an international school instead.

Hope some of this helps.



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27 Jan 2010 7:42 AM by La Vicky Star rating in Florida, USA. 6 posts Send private message

Thank you both for the information.  I have been on line looking at Manilva and was very pleased with the sports programs available.  My boys already play two seasons a year of soccer (futbol) and it seems like they would fit right in.  I could not find the middle school (escuela secundaria) so I will have to search further before I make my final decision.   Do you have any suggestions as to good places to look for long term rentals that will place us close enough to the schools?  By then I will have one child in elementary school (primaria) and the second in middle school.  Also, can you give me some insight as to how expensive and/or difficult is it to purchase a reliable motor vehicle?  Regarding the places we have considered, we had looked into Palomares but then heard that there was some sort of nuclear problem and became concerned (probably overly concern on my part).  I have friends that have an apartment in Murcia and looked there as well.  Finally, the law school I attended in USA has a program at the University of Granada so I initially thought that there is where I would settle thinking I could obtain some sort of equivalent Spanish law degree but then learned that it would take years to do so and now I am not sure about anything... any help or guidance is greatly appreciated!!  Thanks again.

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27 Jan 2010 8:44 AM by David W Star rating. 199 posts Send private message

David W´s avatar


If your looking in the Palomares area, Vera and Los Gallardos are more suited to your family life style

We have neighbours with boys of 8 and 12 and thier schooling and sports life is fine

The area moves at a very "Spanish'' pace and is very family orientated

Good Luck

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27 Jan 2010 9:46 AM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

Hi La Vicky

If you'd like information about international schooling (maybe with your eldest going into secondary you will consider international), then there are the Sotogrande International ( - IB) and the Mayfair Academy ( - British Curriculum) in the vicinity of Manilva.  Our son is ten and when we moved here (last September) we decided an international school was best for him (we chose Sotogrande).  Both schools provide education through to age 18.  Fees are around 8-10,000 euros a year.

I don't have information about the local state schools - maybe someone else can help there.




This message was last edited by Pitby on 27/01/2010.

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27 Jan 2010 12:54 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

I can't find much information regarding the local secondary school in Manilva.  Only this.

Regarding rentals, check the long term rentals we have listed here.

Cars tend to hold their value quite well in Spain so second hand cars aren't particularly cheap.  Check out sites such as Autocasion for some ideas.

With regards to your law degree....yes, it would take a few years to convert!



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13 Feb 2010 6:25 PM by La Vicky Star rating in Florida, USA. 6 posts Send private message

Hello All! 

Well, we have now decided to settle in Manilva based upon many of your referrals and what we have learned about the area.  We are very excited and hoping that it will be a smooth transition for our boys but now we are facing another hurdle...I have contacted many places for long term rental (eyeonspain; justlongrentals; and duquesanet) but everyone says its too soon to advise on availability or allow us to place a deposit to reserve the place.  I cannot leave the planning to last minute because of our boys...we especially liked La Duquesa but really would consider anywhere in Manilva.  Does anyone have any advice on how to find the perfect place?  I cannot thank you all enough for your insight and guidance!!

La Vicky

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13 Feb 2010 7:52 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

La Vicky

Here are some other sites that may help - but you may get the same response,that it's a little early to reserve.,,,,,

(Justin, I hope it's ok to post these links!  I'll understand if they are removed!!)


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14 Feb 2010 9:50 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

I don't think you should worry really as there are so many properties for long term rental.  You will have plenty of options to choose from closer to your moving date...which, have you decided what it is yet?



Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain

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15 Feb 2010 3:49 AM by La Vicky Star rating in Florida, USA. 6 posts Send private message

Thanks for the information.  Yes we have decided.  We intend to be in Spain from August 2011 until at least May 2012.  If luck is on our side and I find a job as a legal consultant or tutor, then we will extend our stay.  We have decided on Manilva and have started saving for our move and organizing matters just would help tremendously if we had a stable address in Manilva.  I could then focus on making decisions on the boys school and whether or not we need to invest in a know what I mean?  In any event we are adamant to make this work somehow so I will be patient and keep plugging along.  Thanks again.

La Vicky

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15 Feb 2010 3:49 AM by La Vicky Star rating in Florida, USA. 6 posts Send private message

Thanks for the information.  Yes we have decided.  We intend to be in Spain from August 2011 until at least May 2012.  If luck is on our side and I find a job as a legal consultant or tutor, then we will extend our stay.  We have decided on Manilva and have started saving for our move and organizing matters just would help tremendously if we had a stable address in Manilva.  I could then focus on making decisions on the boys school and whether or not we need to invest in a know what I mean?  In any event we are adamant to make this work somehow so I will be patient and keep plugging along.  Thanks again.

La Vicky

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15 Feb 2010 10:08 PM by srelane Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

** EDITED - Advertising **

This message was last edited by EOS Team on 16/02/2010.

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15 Feb 2010 11:26 PM by bodyworker Star rating in By the Mar menor. 34 posts Send private message

Hi La Vicky,

Good luck with your searches etc but 1st check out the mar menor it's a really nice area with all facilities and decent schools nearby.

kind regards




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16 Feb 2010 9:26 AM by guslopez Star rating in Lorca, Murcia.. 744 posts Send private message

What has not been pointed out is that as an American citizen your d/licence will only be valid , as a tourist, for 6 mths for which you will need an International driving permit to go with it or an official translation of your licence available through the Spanish consulate in your country, or a 'certificado de Equivalencía' prepared by Spains royal automobile club ( RACE ). As a resident, which you will be from the moment you arrive as you are intending to stay for more than 6 mths, you have only 1 option . A Spanish driving licence as there is no reciprocal agreement to swap your licence for a Spanish one. This entails passing both theoretical & practical tests the same as a Spaniard.


Todos somos Lorca.

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16 Feb 2010 5:50 PM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

Forgive me for saying this but why anyone would want to 'escape' from Florida beats me! Most of us would quite like to escape TO Florida!

Yes I do appreciate the hard work and long hours that American lawyers work but surely a solution could be found without having to leave your home and country? Perhaps a sabattical from work would suffice?

Obviously I wish you all the best in your new adventure and hope that you find what you are looking for.


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16 Feb 2010 9:33 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

exetog, you took the words right out of my mouth... but I guess it shows that different places mean different things to different people.



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16 Feb 2010 9:55 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar

As someone who lived in Dubai for a (very) long time, and who then yearned for a life which had an element of "culture", so lacking in Dubai, I can relate to someone wanting something 'more' in their life/lives!  Many people move to a place (as they may wish to move to Florida) with a dream of a better life, thinking that the place/country fulfils their needs.  It may well do, depends on circumstances really!!  If you want tat and no culture and hypocrisy (IMHO) move to Dubai!  If you want culture, maybe a less comfortable lifestyle, but a more fulfilling life altogether, my recommendation would be to avoid the Gulf states altogether and choose Spain or anywhere else in Europe!!  Or at least anywhere outside the Gulf!!  It's a very personal choice, basically!!  And totally depends on the lifestyle you have and the lifestyle you wish to have.

Saying that, America is a vast country, so it's an extremely big decision to "up sticks" and move to Europe and has to be a very carefully considered one - which I would expect they have considered.

So on to helping, rather than expressing our doubts about their thoughts and decisions!!

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17 Feb 2010 5:47 PM by srelane Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

 I have tried to activate my Private Message Facility on a few occasions but without success. Is there any reason for this?


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17 Feb 2010 6:11 PM by La Vicky Star rating in Florida, USA. 6 posts Send private message


Thank you Pitby!  
As a woman whom miraculously was able to have two children after six losses, all decisions affecting our children are carefully considered…it is just too important!  At the end of my life (whenever that is) I want to make sure that our children can remember me involved in every aspect of their lives and not absent because I am always at work.  We have chosen Spain because my husband’s parents are both Spanish citizens (from Canary Islands) and hope to give our children the life and memories his parents gave him. Thank you all for your opinions and guidance. Your insight as present residents of Spain is truly invaluable.
La Vicky

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