28 Sep 2011 12:00 AM:
To cut a very long story short a family relative has had money taken from her bank account by a Spanish company without her authorisation. They claimed at first that they were right to do so which we disagreed with . We decided to get further advice and were advised to ask the company for the contract signed by my relative. They have since sent us no paperwork and are even ignoring our requests, we cant even get to speak with anyone about the matter.
We have spoken with the bank in the UK and they are going to open a dispute case for us but we have been told, not by the bank but by citizens advice, to report the matter to the police in Spain at theft. However my relative is old and will not be going back to Spain and my understanding was that she would have to go to the police station in Spain to sign the crime report.
Is there anyway she can do this without having to go to Spain, or without having to pay out alot of money for someone to do it for her?
Any help is much appreciated.
Reporting a crime in Spain from the UK