Hidden paradise
Thursday, October 25, 2018 @ 5:22 PM
We have now been living in Andalusia for 4 weeks, we have packed quite a bit in to that time and managed to survive without Wifi LOL! We had trouble deciding (well i say we, mostly Paul) which way was best to recieve Internet and UK TV. This search took us gladly to a Tuesday market nearby. Once we found it we were pleasantly surprised by the array of local and handmade items. The best of it was the location, a hidden paradise set in beautiful gardens we couldn't believe our eyes! A stunning venue for a wedding or a party, my brain started to whir. My background has been in organising events and i am pretty sure there is a market out their for unique wedding venues. Maybe that could be how we make a living out here?

I digress we found the man we were looking for and he helped make our decision on the Internet. As we live in a village in the mountains the best option for us was ADSL cable rather than satellite or fibreoptic. The next research was which provider to use and what bundle to go for. We chose a box for TV channels and its fantastic! All the UK channels are including SKY Sports, SKY Movies, Box sets, we'll never be bored on a rainy day! That is what it's there for, we have made a rule though no telly before the evening unless it's rainy we don't want to slide back into old habits.
Our nearest bank is in a old town called Velez Malaga i am glad we have had to go into branch as it has helped us explore and get to know this gorgeous town. We now regularly find an excuse to pop along and enjoy a coffee on the square and people watch. It's lovely to see their high street's thriving and so well kept unlike back in blighty. On our first visit we walked until we found the old castle having walked the many steps we were rewarded with a roof top view for miles.

At this time we were expecting our first visitors from the UK my mum and her partner Rob. This brought a whole load of feelings, would they like it, would they understand why we made the move??