It has been quite a while since i have written a blog over 4 months in fact, i firmly believe in timing and not forcing things, so as i haven't felt like writing i thought i would wait until i did.
Lots has happened since the end of February. The girls have broke up from school for the summer
, i have been working occasionally at the local estate agents, Paul has visited the UK more regularly for work, new places have been explored and we are absolutely loving our first full summer in Andalucia!! So, lets go back to March and having a long gap between visitors we thought best to get on with the ever expanding list of jobs. I painted the metal casita doors a rather fetching blue and Paul started on the door frames in the house. It was all going well until the next day Paul was taken ill with the worst stomach bug ever which resulted in him being stuck in bed for one week with two trips to the doctors and one to the hospital where they put him on a drip. It was hard going especially as one day into the illness work began outside to extend the patio. I hadn't anticipated having to co-ordinate the workers all by myself but it was fine and we muddled through the language barrier and the patio was finished the following week. This was also the time i started work at a local estate agency, a lovely family owned business who i had got to know through our children. I've always been interested in property and being able to pick up things quickly this fitted perfectly. It also made a nice change and good for me to know that i can easily get back into the working vibe and enjoy it.
San Jose fiesta followed on Saturday, with a delicious free paella and beer for everyone, and a Bouncy castle and Bingo. Great to see so many people of all ages joining in on a beautiful sunny afternoon with more fabulous views.

Monday soon came and it was time for Olivia to go on her first residential trip with the School to Sierra Nevada ski-ing
what an amazing opportunity! She has never skied before but she made sure she had all the gear
It was a early start to meet the bus at 7am but the coach was prompt and soon enough i was waving them off. The trip was only a 1 night stay over but that was plenty long enough!!! We wasn't sure how she would get on with the over night and the ski-ing but we were thrilled that she loved it, and did not stop talking about it. Another expensive hobby but we will all return later on in the year and have a go ourselves.

The reason we had the patio extended was to add a Pergola, at the end of this week it was erected and we were very happy with the results. This would give us much needed shade in the forthcoming summer months and a great entertaining area.

We visited Torrox pueblo on the Sunday and we found it to be very authentic and full of pretty streets. The costa however was not our scene with many english bars and I must admit the weather did not help as it started to rain, it felt more like Great Yarmouth then Costa del Sol 

The following week was the much anticipated short visit from two of my school friends Lorraine and Lynn, the weather was poor, cloudy and showers but lots of fun was had (a little too much on the Saturday afternoon which resulted in me having to take myself to bed at 7.30pm
) I did however escape the dreaded hangover which was especially good as we were celebrating Mothers Day the next day.

The girls and I chose a traditional Sunday roast and i'm so glad we did. We travelled to the nearby village of Benamargosa and searched the moorish village until we found the restaurant. A great find with a fantastic roast with all the trimmings and scrummy puddings. I can't tell you how welcomed it was after nearly a year without one. The girls enjoyed it to and we had lovely conversations while we ate. I will definitely return again just us three for Mothers Day.
Another week went by and then it was Easter (our first in Spain) which meant our Niece and Nephew were due their first visit with their gorgeous sons Huxley and Orley. I spent alot of time before this important week in Spain researching good places to go and see the procession etc. and it was clear Velez Malaga was a great place to go. We were not disappointed, it was incredible and to anyone who wants to see how Easter is done go and see for yourself. No chocolate eggs and no bunnies!!

The weather was still a bit hit and miss but we all had a great time and got to spend one day on the Beach in Torre del Mar while the men went and played Golf. Paul loves to play golf but hadn't managed to play until now due to his neck injury. They had a choice of two courses but eventually decided on Anoreta. He was very impressed and the photos certainly proved how beautiful it was.

Finally after a couple of weeks of dodgy weather the sun came out -yay- and we could even go in the pool! Mostly due to the fact Paul's parents were back, wherever they go they have nice weather. As they were here Paul and i treated ourselves to a weekend in Cordoba for our Wedding anniversary and we absolutely loved it. Having been to many cities in Spain this was up there for many reasons. It isn't too big but was jam packed full of fascinating places to see and the history is everywhere. We had the best time and will defintely return when we get another chance.

Once home we had another Bank Holiday this time 'Labour Day' every 1st of May so off we went to the beach with Paul's parents and the girls for a day of pleasure. We chose Burriana beach as they had never been and like us they loved it. A great way to end there latest visit.
Next was our promised trip to the UK for the girls, to be honest i was dreading it but wanted the girls to catch up with their friends. It was only a short trip Friday to Sunday and i must say i actually thoroughly enjoyed it. I had a million things to do such a tight busy schedule to fit everyone in thankfully it ran like clock work but still very tiring.