Some ME time
Thursday, October 18, 2018 @ 1:53 PM
One of the things i love to do is Yoga it's good for my mind, body and soul, my love affair started in 2004 at a local class in the UK, back then i practised at least twice a week, once the girls got older I found it more difficult to go regularly. I continued through both pregnancies and I am sure it played a huge part in having straight forward home births. When I saw a Yoga workshop advertised in Benajarafe on the Digame website I got straight on the phone to book my place. A lovely german lady took the class and was delighted i wanted to join in. The workshop was at a German Yoga retreat hotel 40 minutes away we had no idea what to expect once we found it it was in the most beautiful gardens a real hidden gem. 
It was bustling with fellow yogi's who were staying at the retreat. I had fun finding the studio through a maze of ornate narrow pathways, giant palms and water features. The session was two hours long and once completed i was full of calmness and serenity. 
While I was slaving away Paul and the girls went to the delightful Benajarafe beach nearby and had a fantastic time helped by the fact they were the only ones on it! Once we were reunited all very hungry we decided to try the local bar and have 'Menu del Dia' we were not dissapointed 8 euro each for 4 courses including a drink and bread. We left happy customers and of course on a scorching day i had to have a dip in the sea before returning to the mountains. Bliss! 
After my relaxing other worldly Sunday i had the anxiety the following day of my first appointment at the recommended local hairdresser's. Most of the anxiety came from the fact that i don't speak much Spanish, how would i explain which colour i require.... Luckily the hairdresser is a sweetheart and having showed her photos she knew exactly what i wanted. The result was just as good as before if not better and for almost a third of the cost!! I was thrilled and now i'm thinking of changing my colour again. My fresh looking hair was perfectly timed for our first party night in the village. We are very lucky that we have at least four bar/restaurants to choose from at any one time we like all of them for different reasons and they are all a 2 minute walk and due to the hills a 5 minute walk back. One of our most favourite haunts is due to the hosts Hildi and Manolo and this is where our party night happened. They have made us feel most welcome since our arrival in Spain, and have since got to know each other well. They host regular music nights with a plentiful buffet. We all got dressed up and took lots of selfies before heading out. By the time the buffet was ready we were ravenous and a little tipsy (Paul and I that is) there was a wonderful array of food on offer and we filled our plates high! It wasn't long after that the music started and a charming german lady took to the floor and sang in many different languages, French, English and Spanish. It took a while for her and the crowd to warm up but once she got into her groove it wasn't long before we were all up dancing. It was a wonderful feeling and made me feel so grateful for our new life it was a real celebration of all our hard work to get here. What better way to celebrate than dancing under the stars on a warm September evening with my wonderful family. It was imperative to make the most of this evening as all of our peace was about to be disrupted by the non stop arrival of our visitors from the UK from now until November