Spanish Phrases
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
When you're starting off with Spanish you learn the basics such as saying "Hello", "Goodbye", "How are you?" etc. I've posted the starting off phrases below.
Hello - Hola (oh-lah)
Goodbye - ¡Adiós! (a-dhyos)
Good morning - ¡Buenos dias! (bwe-nos di-yahs)
Good Afternoon - ¡Buenas tardes! (bwe-nas tar-des)
Good Evening or Good Night - ¡Buenas noches! (bwe-nas noh-ches)
What is your name? - ¿Como te llamas? (ko-mo teh lya-mas)
My name is... - Me llamo... (me lya-mo)
How are you - ¿Qué tal? / ¿Como estas? (ke tal) / (ko-mo es-tas)
Very Good - Muy bien (m-uy byen)
Very bad - Muy mal (m-uy mal)
Please - Por favor (por fa-vor)
Thank you - Gracias (gra-th-yas)
You're welcome - De nada (de na-dha)
Published at 10:54 PM Comments (3)