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Blog De Sunrise


Hanging by a thread for Spain
Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm so desperate to get to my apartment in Orihuela Costa now. I haven't been since October 2009 and I'm back April this year for two weeks. That's sixty one and a bit days to go!

A sunny morning, November 1st 2009. Last time I was there!

Feel like jumping in?

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More Spanish Phrases
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Colours are one of my favourite topics in Spanish. It can be confusing sometimes especially with the pronouncing rules. For example double 'L' is pronounced 'Y'.


Black - Negro (neh-gro)

White - Blanco

Red - Rojo (roh-ho)

Green - Verde (ber-dei)

Brown - Marrón

Yellow - Amarillo (amar-eeyo)

Pink - Rosa

Orange - Naranja (naran-ha)

Purple - Morado

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One Month Since Christmas
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I can't believe it's been one month since Christmas!

I would like to say to all of those who supported me through my Grandad's accident thank you so much and he's much better now.

Just a short post now but there will be some more Spanish phrases on their way soon.

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More Spanish Phrases
Monday, January 25, 2010

It's always polite to greet someone. So practice these phrases and try them. Put on a smile and try them!


Hello - iHola! (oh-lah)


Welcome - Bienvenido (bee-en-veh-needo)


Good morning - ¡Buenos dias! (bwe-nos di-yahs)

Good Afternoon - ¡Buenas tardes! (bwe-nas tar-des)

Good Evening or Good Night - ¡Buenas noches! (bwe-nas noh-ches)


Bienvenido a mi blog! Muchas gracias por leer la lección de hoy. Usted es siempre bienvenido a visitar mi blog y comentar, y espero que os guste.

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Spanish Weather Update
Thursday, January 21, 2010

The snow has melted here in the UK and the winter will shortly be leaving us. Now all we can do is look forward to the summer. Here is a picture that will remind you of the nice weather, the summer, the swimming pool. I took it in November last year and it's of one of two pools that my apartment's complex has.

The UK's temperatures are increasing. It's three degress as I write this! Spain's weather also is increasing with it being twelve degrees in Playa Flamenca as I write this.

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More Spanish Phrases
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Now to move on to asking someone how old they are.

How old are you? - ¿Cuántos años tienes? (kw-an-tos a-nyos tee-enes)
I am ... years old - Tengo ... años (tengo ... an-yos)


When telling someone your age "Tengo ... años" (your age in Spanish - ...) you are actually saying "I have ... years". Instead of "I am ... years old"

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Spanish Phrases
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

When you're starting off with Spanish you learn the basics such as saying "Hello", "Goodbye", "How are you?" etc. I've posted the starting off phrases below.

Hello - Hola (oh-lah)

Goodbye - ¡Adiós! (a-dhyos)

Good morning - ¡Buenos dias! (bwe-nos di-yahs)

Good Afternoon - ¡Buenas tardes! (bwe-nas tar-des)

Good Evening or Good Night - ¡Buenas noches! (bwe-nas noh-ches)

What is your name? - ¿Como te llamas? (ko-mo teh lya-mas)

My name is... - Me llamo... (me lya-mo)

How are you - ¿Qué tal? / ¿Como estas? (ke tal) / (ko-mo es-tas)

Very Good - Muy bien (m-uy byen)

Very bad - Muy mal (m-uy mal)

Please - Por favor (por fa-vor)

Thank you - Gracias (gra-th-yas)

You're welcome - De nada (de na-dha)

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Disappearing Slowly
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I've posted some more pictures like the last post. The snow has gone now and it's just ice left. As you can see on some of the pictures the snow was made into a pile and has now turned to ice.

This is a photo of the ice which used to be a pile of snow.

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Slowly Disappearing
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The snow is slowly melting here in the UK. I've taken some photos of the melting snow and snow piles form outside my house.

It's -2 degrees as I wirte this and over in Playa Flamenca where my apartment is it's 12 degrees.

Just looking at iGoogle and on Tuesday it says it's going to be partly sunny. Wednesday will be cloudy and Thursday will be cloudy too and Friday we have a chance of rain.

In Playa Flamenca today it's going to be mostly sunny. Wenesday and Thursday will be clear and on Friday it will be partly sunny.


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