Spanish and English Weather 5
Sunday, March 28, 2010
It's starting to perk up on the Costa Blanca. Here is the weather for the next few days.
Starting off in the UK:
It's currently a rain a shower with temperatures of eight degrees.
Monday has a chance of rain with temperatures up to four degrees.
Wednesday has yet another chance of rain but with temperatures up to three degrees.
Now in Costa Blanca:
It's currently clear with temperatures of fifteen degrees.
Monday will be mostly sunny with temperatures up to twenty one degrees.
Tuesday will be clear with temperatures up to eighteen degrees.
Tuesday also has a chance of rain but with temperatures up to eight degrees.
Wednesday will be mostly sunny with temperatures up to sixteen degrees.
Published at 11:37 PM Comments (0)
It's Natural To Be Excited
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I've posted a lot recently on this blog and some on the forums about how many days til I'm going to Spain. I apologise for being such a bore but it's only natural to be excited when you haven't been for a long time.

Published at 9:22 PM Comments (6)
How Slow Can You Go?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Is anyone feeling the same way as me? This week has just dragged. Monday was slow day and I didn't sleep too good on Monday night. Tuesday was a long day as I'd hadn't slept well. Wednesday (today) has been long. It's Thursday tomorrow and I feel as if it is Thursday now.
Hurry up weekend and hurry up next week!
Published at 10:25 PM Comments (0)
It's Very Near
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Hi All. Sorry to be such a bore by telling you how many days til I'm going to Spain or that I'm counting down. I'm just so excited! Can't wait until Thursday and we're in single figures. Eleven days today, ten tomorrow.
Published at 10:43 PM Comments (0)
Spanish and English Weather 4
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Today it's been warmer here in the UK than in Costa Blanca in Spain.
Starting off with England.
At the moment (Sunday evening) it's cloudy and seven degrees.
Monday will have a chance of rain with temperatures up to nine degrees.
Tuesday will also have a chance of rain with temperatures up to ten degrees.
And Wednesday the same. A chance of rain but with temperatures up to eleven degrees.
In Orihuela Costa now.
At the moment (Sunday evening) it's mostly cloudy with temperatures of sixteen degrees.
Monday has a chance of rain with temperatures up to nineteen degrees.
Tuesday will be clear with temperatures up to sixteen degrees.
Wednesday, a chance of rain with temperatures up to sixteen degrees.
Published at 10:20 PM Comments (0)
Finally...Some Rain!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
This post is different from my last, but finally it's rained here in the UK. I've not seen any rain for a long time where I live in the UK and it was nice to see it this morning! I don't mind the rain especially at night. Now it's dry, but will it rain overnight?
Over in Playa Flamenca it's raining! Brighten up Spain. Because I'm over in two weeks today!
Published at 11:30 PM Comments (0)
Not Bad
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
These past few days have been quite nice where I live. When I wake up, which is early the sky is not dark. There's light about it and you can see the clouds. In the morning it's a bit cold and there's a little wind but it's bright. At around miday it's bright and sunny but with a little wind. And in the evenings the sky is dark but there's no rain and it's not really low temperatures. Last night it was around seven degrees celcius.
No the weather is not bad.
Published at 10:26 PM Comments (0)
It's Really Not That Long
Monday, March 15, 2010
I'm counting down the days now as it's only nineteen days until I go to Spain! Can't wait to get some heat, if the weather is nice. I will hopefully be catching up with Eye On Spain whilst I'm away and so I will post some photos and videos.
I will continue to countdown the days, 19 today, 18 tomorrow!
Published at 10:37 PM Comments (0)
Spanish and English Weather 3
Sunday, March 14, 2010
We've had another nice Sunday here in the UK. Spain hasn't been too bad lately. Here's this week's weather updates.
Starting off in the UK.
Monday has a chance of rain and temperatures of seven degrees.
Tuesday is to be cloudy with temperatures of nine degrees.
Wednesday has a chance of rain and temperatures of ten degrees.
Yes the UK was first!
In Orihuela Costa.
Monday is to be clear with temperatures of fifteen degrees.
Tuesday is to be clear with temperatures of seventeen degrees.
Wednesday has a chance of rain and temperatures of seventeen degrees.
Not bad.
Published at 10:19 PM Comments (0)
More Spanish Phrases
Monday, March 8, 2010
It's been a long time since I posted some Spanish phrases. In fact it's been a month! In the last Spanish phrase post I covered describing people. In this post it's describing places.
For example:
"Spain is beautiful" - "España es bonito"
Beautiful - Bonito
Ugly - Feo
Boring - Aburrido
New - Nuevo
Old - Viejo
Published at 10:22 PM Comments (0)
Spanish and English Weather 2
Sunday, March 7, 2010
We've had good weather today here in England. It's been sunny, there's not been much cloud and the nights are getting lighter. It was around five o' clock and the sun was still shining. Usually there's cloud about and a little bit of rain! Looking at this week's weather we have some good weather. Spain on the other hand, not so good.
Where I live it's currently two degrees and partly cloudy.
Monday is going to be a clear day with temperatures up to seven degrees.
Tuesday will be another clear day with temperatures also up to seven degrees but a night it will be down to minus two!
Wednesday is to be mostly sunny with temperatures up to seven degrees.
In Orihuela Costa, the weather is not so good.
At the moment it's mostly cloudy and it's twelve degrees.
Tomorrow there is a chance of rain with temperatures up to fourteen degrees.
Tuesday has another chance of rain with temperatures up to only eleven degrees.
Wednesday will be clear with temperatures of thirteen degrees.
I'm going to Spain in twenty seven days time. The weather better improve by then!
Published at 10:39 PM Comments (0)
My Photos Part 2
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I am continuing from the previous post. These photos taken on 1st November 2009 of Playa Flamenca Commercial Centre.

Published at 12:03 AM Comments (1)
My Photos
Thursday, March 4, 2010
It isn't long now til I go back to my apartment in Playa Flamenca, Orihuela Costa, so I thought I'd post some photos I took when I was last there in October 2009.

This first picture is my avatar! My name is 'Sunrise' on Eye On Spain. I called myself this because I love to watch the sunrise and the sunrise is the start of a new day. This picture wasn't taken at sunrise. No. It was taken at sunset! But nevermind, it still looks like sunrise and everytime I see, I think of Spain!


Published at 10:46 PM Comments (0)
Spanish and English Weather
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Not too bad weather here in England. I'll start off with the weather in England.
It's minus one at the moment but it was a nice sunny day today with a bit of frost! It's partly cloudy at this very moment.
On Wednesday it's going to be cloudy with temperature's up to five degrees.
Thursday will be another clear day with temperature's up to six degrees.
Friday will be partly sunny.
Over in Costa Blanca they have rain at the moment.
Wednesday has a chance of rain.
Thursday will be clear.
Friday will have another chance of rain.
Hopefully the weather will improve for when I'm over in April!
Published at 10:34 PM Comments (1)
One Month To Go
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Saturday 3rd April 2010. The day I'm going to Spain. I'm there for two weeks and I return Saturday 17th April 2010. It's one month tomorrow which is Wednesday 3rd March 2010 and only thirty one days! I know this because of my boarding passes.
I would like to apologise for no Spanish phrases recently. There will be some soon.
Published at 9:57 PM Comments (1)
Already March
Monday, March 1, 2010
Haven't posted for a whole week. Didn't realise it was so long. It's 1st March already! That means it's already been two months since New Year's Day and we're into the third month of the year already. I'm not going to Spain this month but in April I am and I was in a very 'Spainy' mood on Saturday as I felt desperate to get to Spain. So desperate I counted the days. It's thirty three starting now. Roll on 3rd April.
Published at 6:34 PM Comments (0)
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