Eye on Spain is 6 years old today - See our original site
Monday, July 12, 2010 @ 6:42 PM
We are 6 years old today and we still have members who use the site every day that were with us that first day on 12th of July 2004.
No big celebrations this year though, we're just having a quiet one.
However, I thought it would be fun to show you our original logo, which some of you may remember.

Having no money at all in the early days I designed this myself using a program called Serif Photo Plus 8. It kept us going for a while until I managed to pay someone to do something a bit better for us.
And if you're curious as to what EOS looked like 6 years ago then here's a little snapshot for you:

How things have changed!
Anyway, I hope you continue to enjoy Eye on Spain for many more years to come.
Thanks for using the site.