There are many aromatherapy oils which can help to make the bath time experience much more relaxing.
Bathing has been used as a relaxing therapy for many thousand of years and the ritual of taking a bath to improve health can be traced back to ancient Egypt.
There are many illustrations on temples in Egypt which show clear evidence of healing baths.
The practice of using essential oils in ancient Egypt where part of everyday life and if you visit the Egyptian city of Aswan today you will still find a flourishing essential oil industry. Essential oils are still extracted in Aswan and sold all over the world.
The ancient Egyptians practised bathing rituals , and a lot of what we know today about essential oils for bathing comes from the Egyptians.
Many different oils were used however one of the most precious oils was the oil from the
Lotus Flower which still grows in the Northern Nile Delta. Lotus is part of the water lily family and there are different colors of Lotus such as blue, white and pink.
Lotus flower essential oil or essence can be used as an oil for burning and also for bathing. Mixed together with a base solution it makes an excellent anti wrinkle treatment.
The Lotus essential oil has many properties which makes it special.
As well as being very relaxing its properties are well known to improve skin quality and make the skin very soft.
The scent of Lotus f oil is also known to be effective to relieve headaches and help to aid relaxation.
Lotus flower oil is safe to use in the bath and the recommended dosage would be 3 -5 drops.
Lavender essential oil is another popular solution for relaxing in the bath. Lavender has a long history of use as an aromatherapy oil for the bath, and as a burning oil. It is gently anti septic and helps to heal minor cuts. Insect bites also benefit from Lavender essential oil.
Not only is Lavender an oil which is great for relaxation but it is also excellent for muscle pains, aches and tired legs.
It can also help to clear congested sinuses and as a treatment for insomnia.
Adding 4 – 6 drops to a bath would be a good treatment for insomnia, and 3 -4 drops for general relaxation.
Chamomile is another alternative which is worth considering. Whilst it is still an oil which can be used for relaxation it is not as strongly scented as Lavender oil but it has many of the same properties. Adding 3 - 8 drops of essential Chamomile oil to the bath will help aid relaxation and soften the skin.
Patchouli essential oil has also been traditionally used as an option for making bath time and better relaxing. Patchouli oil is a heavy oil and 2 -3 drops for a bath is enough. The scent of Patchouli is strong and can cause a floating, or drifting sensation. Patchouli is known as a sensual oil, and might be the best oil to use if you want to share your bath tub with someone special.
Blending oils for use in the bath can be more beneficial than using a single oil.
A good blend would be almond oil, jojoba oil or a coconut oil which all moisturize the skin.
The options for blending oils are varied however as a guide it is best to blend 2 drops of each selected oil for a relaxing bath.