How to improve your health with flax seed and flax seed oil
Monday, February 11, 2013 @ 1:20 PM

Flax Seed Oil
The are many good reasons why you should take consider using a Flax Seed oil supplement.
This natural oil which is also known as Linseed oil has benefits for general well being
and complete nutrition. It is considered to be one of natures richest sources of ALA Essential Fatty Acids. Essential fatty acids are something our bodies do not produce and can only be gained from our diet.
Where does it come from?
Flax seed oil is grown on the Western Canadian Prairies, and it is a small blue flower.
The seeds are harvested and then pressed to produce the oil - the best oil is cold pressed
so be prepared to pay a little bit more for a top product.
A supermarket brand will be less effective than a product purchased from a specialist supplier.
Other product Flaxseed Oil products
Ground flaxseeds and un-ground flaxseed can also be purchased, and they are also really great products and have many health benefits..
If you have problems with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) try sprinkling ground flaxseed on your breakfast cereal or blend into your yoghurt or smoothie.
Un-ground flax seeds can also be used, and are becoming very popular in sprouting circles.
To sprout flaxseed leave one table spoons of seeds in a four table spoons of water overnight, and take the mixture in the morning. You can just take the mixture on its own or alternatively blend it into yoghurt. This is a fantastic treatment for constipation.
What does flaxseed oil contain?
Flaxseed oil contains Omega 6 and Omega 9 Essential Fatty Acids, along with Potassium,
B vitamins, Lecithin, Magnesium, Fiber, Protein and zinc. It also a very important ssource of lignans.
What are the health benefits?
They are many health benefits related to Flaxseed Oil.
I personally suffered from severe eczema so I started to take a supplement of 1000 mg
and after a week I saw a fantastic improvement in my eczema. For instance the hair line redness cleared up and started to itch a lot less.
I have a friend who suffers from MS and she has become a firm fan of Flaxseed, and she thinks it gives her more energy and better stamina, two of the symptoms of MS.
Is Flaxseed Oil for you?
I always say to people to make a list of their health concerns and problems, and do some research into what could be affecting their health.
As with all supplements and medical conditions there is not always one answer, and
some supplements are more effective for others.
Flaxseed oil, and other flaxseed products, is certainly a good alternative for allergy and IBS sufferers.
If you do consider using Flaxseed make sure you buy a good quality product, and give it
a chance to work. Try taking the product for at least a month before you make any decisions to its effectiveness.
The best way to take Flaxseed oil is to buy Flaxseed Oil capsules -this ensures you get the correct dosage and it is also very convenient.
You can safely take up to three 1000 mg capsules per day.
Fantastic News Update
New research has shown that Flaxseed Oil protects against radiation.
This could revolutionize radiation therapy for cancer patients.
This fantastic piece of research comes from the University of Pennsylvania, and the initial research shows some amazing promise.
The research team is now planning a larger scale trial for patients being treated with radiation therapy.
Remember Nature Heals
Flaxseed Oil for dogs
Flaxseed oil does not only helps humans - it is great for dogs as well.
If your dog chews at his fur it could mean he suffers from dry itchy skin and he
could be short of essential oils in his diet.
It seems to be especially good for dogs that suffer very dry patches which causes them to pull their coat out
Yes there are lots of lotions and potions you could try but adding flaxseed oil to your
dog's diet is if you like an inside out remedy.
A small 5 kilo dog would need about 1000 mg per day so one Flaxseed oil capsule of 1000 mg would be ok. Larger dogs would need more. A 50 kilo dog would need about 3000 mg per day to treat eczema and dry skin.
Flaxseed and lignan
Research shows that populations that have high amounts of lignan in their diets are less likely to suffer from Breast and Colon cancer.
Flax is 100 times richer in lignan than most other grains.
What is lignan?
Modern research shows that populations with high amounts of lignan in their diet have a lower incident of Breast and Colon cancer.
Lignans are a group of natural chemical compounds only found in plants. Lignans are one of the major classes of phytoestrogens, which are estrogen-like chemicals and act as antioxidants.
An alternative source would be Pumpkin seeds which is recommended for the suffers of Prostate cancer.