How can more people be persuaded to take regular exercise?
Regular exercise is often considered to be the first line of defence against many common illnesses.
Taking regular exercising is increasingly difficult as many people have to fit exercise in their spare time which can include family life, travelling to and from work and other daily tasks.
What does persuasion actually mean? Persuasion is defined as trying to change someone’s life style, behaviour or beliefs.
Many people just do not believe they have the time to fit in exercise, or change their life style to make room for any kind of exercise.
Is fitting exercise into hectic life styles being made to complicated, and is there some way exercise can be sneaked into a busy life?
Many people suffer health issues as a result of stress and are advised by their doctors to take regular exercise. Improved health is a persuasive argument for taking up exercise.
Seeing the benefits of improved health such as weight loss, lower blood pressure and better balanced cholesterol are some of the benefits of regular exercise.
An individual experiencing self improvement might be more easily persuaded to continue with an improved lifestyle.
Other people are motivated by money, and many health care plans require applicants to
complete a life style questionnaire. If an applicant completes the questionnaire stating that he exercises on a regular he may be able to get lower premiums.
Saving money on medical bills is another persuasive argument to stick to an exercise programme.
Having a baby can be considered a persuasive motivational tool as this means for the next 20 years it may be crucial for the family to stay healthy to look after the new family member. It is difficult to care for a child when one parent, or both parents, suffer illness or poor health.
Many people who have suffered major illnesses are persuaded to change their lifestyles. This can include anything from an improved diet to start exercising as part of their daily routines. Most individuals who have experienced a serious illness do not want to go through the experience again and can be persuaded to fit in regular exercise as part of life style changes.
Regular exercise can be a dirty word for some people. The majority of people like to exercise as this makes them feel better and gives them extra energy but others are not so keen on regular exercise.
How can they be persuaded to change and take regular exercise? Perhaps the best way forward would be not to think of exercise as exercise, and sneak in extra activity.
Exercise can be very simple, and there are many ways to increase exercise without having to visit the gym.
For instance getting off the bus the stop before a regular stop and walking the remaining distance to work can easily increase daily activity by twenty minutes per day.
A person would be exercising without the need for the word exercise.
Taking the stairs when moving around an office building instead of using the elevator can
be just as effective as spending time in the gym.
There are many different ways to persuade people to take regular exercise however it is also important to find out why they are not exercising at the moment, or have neglected to do so in the past.