Hail the Kings! The Three Kings will arrive in Torrevieja by boat on Sunday afternoon at around 17.30
Friday, January 3, 2014 @ 3:30 PM

The Three Kings, known in Spanish as the Tres Reyes Magos will be arriving in Torrevieja on the 5th January 2014. They will be preceded by their Official Post men will be collecting the letters from the children on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd January from 17:00-20:00 in the Plaza de la Constitución.
The Three Kings will arrive by boat at 17:30 on Sunday 5th January 2014. Gaspar, Melchor and Baltasar will disembark in the port at Torrevieja for their annual parade. The route will take them from the Dique de Levante past the Monumento al Hombre del Mar and along Calle Ramón y Cajal, Zoa to Calle Ramón Gallud. The parade will finish at the main entrance to the Iglesia de Inmaculada Concepción, in the plaza de la Constitución.
Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd January 2014
17:00-20:00 Collection of the Present Letters by the Three Kings Official Postmen.
Saunday 5th January 2014
17:30 Arrival of the Three Kings at the port for their parade to the church.
Source: Eurotourguide