Guardamar beaches now shine with four Blue Flags
Friday, July 18, 2014 @ 2:23 PM

Guardamar beaches now shine with four Blue Flags which are annually authorised by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in recognition of the good condition of and services offered on their beaches.
The Council team has obtained the Blue Flag for Playa Centro, Playa de la Roqueta, Playa del Moncayo and Playa Puerto.
The Mayoress of Guardamar, Carmen Verdú, led the flag raising ceremony along with her government team, representatives of the Local Police, Cruz Roja, Environment technicians and beach managers. All of these have made it possible for Guardamar to obtain it’s excellent rating for the four beaches.
The Town Hall has improved beach services. Playa Centro has had improved access, and the Puerto beach has seen the installation of foot washers. Also this year, the Cruz Roja will be work half an hour a day more due to an agreement between the management and the Beaches Department.
The councillor for Beaches, Javier Cremades has increased the shaded area of Roqueta beach so that more disabled people can easily access and rest there.
The life guard posts and beach bars have been improved for better identification by bathers ” to make them much more visible in accord with the Mediterranean image of our area” said Javier Cremades.