A wonderful start to the New Year is the SMOKING BAN Starts on 2nd Jan 2011. 

What a long wait to get here, but it will be just great to go in to any bar or restaurant and NOT be breathing in other people's smoke. 
The following is out of this weeks >>>>>>>> EURO WEEKLY:

AS of January 2, smoking will be banned from all public catering establishments in Spain. Although this was widely reported, confusion arose as conflicting media reports appeared in the Spanish and British press. In some cases reports suggested it had already been confirmed, whereas in other cases they reported the ban would not come into effect until July.
On Tuesday the Chamber of Deputies gave final approval to the changes to the Anti-Smoking law with 336 votes in favour, five against, and three abstentions.
As of January 2, cigarettes can be sold from machines in petrol station shops and cigars can also be sold in all bars and restaurants.
Casinos, bingos and games halls will also have to become totally smoke free and smoking at any public catering establishment will only be allowed outside, in areas which are not covered, or if they are, only have two walls.
The proposal from the opposition to give fiscal benefits to establishments which underwent refurbishment to adapt to the current law was rejected.
Meanwhile, smoking is allowed in prisons, psychiatric hospitals, smoking clubs and in hotels, where 30 per cent of rooms can be reserved for smokers as long as they are isolated from the rest and have ventilation.
It will also be allowed outside at sports facilities, in queues for cinemas and museums as long as they are outside and on campus at universities, but not in hospitals (outside or inside), parks or children’s play areas.
Only 30 per cent of people in Spain smoke, but 50,000 people died every year from problems related to smoking, 1,200 of them are passive smokers, according to the National Institute of Statistics.
Oh & do stay off balconies!