Nowhere to hide!Spy Smartphone Software Tracks 'Every Move'
Sunday, October 30, 2011 @ 4:21 PM
As marketing pitches you don't get much lower: "Track every text, every call and every move your spouse makes…"
Yes, software manufacturers have harnessed the green-eyed monster.
"A cell phone plays a role in almost every affair," said one producer of mobile phone spyware.
Another spelled it out: "When you begin to notice signs of a cheating spouse, the best way to catch that cheat is to spy on his or her cell phone using spy software.
"Such software is required because the cell phone has become the modern day keeper of secrets and its uses are as versatile and diverse as their makes and models."
But it is not just for jealous partners................
click link above to read more & watch a very unnerving video of how it's all achieved!