READ: Festive fears prove fanciful
Thursday, December 22, 2011 @ 9:48 PM
Read THIS first! Festive fears prove fanciful
This discusses the Content article: Festive fears prove fanciful
The new Spanish Government has today decided that, effective on the 28th December of this year, all houses and properties owned by people NOT from the core European Union Countries (i.e. this refers clearly to Britons, Swiss, Norwegians etc) will be expropriated and paid for in a new currency, the New Pasata. Each Pasata will be worth 30 euro cents, and people will be paid what appears in the Escritura (_title_ Deed).
The houses will then be distributed to those Spaniards and other European Union nationals (to make sure there is no discrimination rule in Brussels) who have lost or are losing their houses by the banking crisis, and will be done on the 6th of January, the Government spokesman, Baltazar de Belén has advised.
The British Government has offered to repatriate all britons involved and is sending a flotilla to pick up people, though they are also negotiating with Ryanair. David Cameron is in negotiations with his deputy, Clegg, on how to respond with firmer measures.
IS IT APRIL 1ST??????????????