In todays Courier newspaper it seems that a Strasbourg ruling against the UK government, that it must pay the 440,000 expat pensioners there winter fuel payments even if they were under 60 when they left the UK.
You can imagine the government will do all it can to wriggle out of that one if they can get away with it.
Ian Duncan Smith is saying he will create a rule on eligibity by temperature. Whose figures will these by taken by. Government person who has no idea what the temperatures can drop to here. Bet they don't take into account there is no insulation in the houses here so they do get very cold in the winter and also the fact that there is no damp course so the cold of the ground comes into the houes in the winter.
Just stop giving all this money to IMF and other wasteful orginazitions and we can all get the payment. I supposeall the illegal immigrants that get into the UK will be entitled to it if they are coming up to 60 and never paid a penny into the system.
More info can be found by searching 'strasbourg ruling on uk winter fuel payments.