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I Wonder Why...?

I will be writing about aspects of Spanish history and their traditions. I am a very curious person and have always needed to know "why" they do it, and "how" it came about. So over the years while living in Spain I have made a conscious effort to discover "el porque de las cosas" and I will be sharing them with you. I hope you find it as fascinating as I do.

Spain's Km 0
Thursday, November 24, 2016 @ 12:03 PM


This small stone slab in Madrid’s city square marks what is popularly considered the geographical center of Spain, although it isn't the 'exact' centre, it is not far off. The marker sets the Zero Kilometer point, the point from which distances are measured in Spain—specifically, it’s the starting point for measuring the distances of the country’s six national roads, A-1 to A-6.

Kilometre Zero is also the starting point for Madrid’s numbered streets; the closer to the Km 0 mark, the lower the street number.

These traditional markers are common to find in many countries, often located in the capital city. The most famous milestone marker however is the “Golden Milestone” (Milliarium Aureum) in Ancient Rome, which is believed to be the source of the saying “all roads lead to Rome.”
Spain’s Kilometre Zero is in the middle of Madrid’s Puerta del Sol, the historic semi-circular city square. The slab is quite easy to miss, situated on the ground outside the clock tower on the old Post Office building. 

The plaque was placed here in 1950 and replaced with a newer stone in 2002 and again in 2009. It was turned around 180 degrees by mistake in 2002 during a reform of the square. The plaque was renewed in 2009, during the roadworks of the Puerta del Sol square, and this time placed in the right position.


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DAVEW said:
Saturday, November 26, 2016 @ 8:16 AM

It is a common misunderstanding to think that this is the GEOGRAPHIC centre of Spain, it is really no more than a symbolic start point for measuring road distances.

Bryan Wilde said:
Saturday, February 4, 2017 @ 11:59 AM

Mile 0 in the USA is in Key West, Florida. It marks the start of Interstate road 1. Key West being the most southerly pont of the USA.

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