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Only Joe King

A light-hearted look at life in Andalucía and Spain in general. Its good points and its bad. This blog doesn't pull any punches.

Sayings in Bars and at the Office
Monday, November 28, 2022

Recently, Only Joe King wrote about mottos and quotes on sugar packets. But of course, such slogans pop in all sorts of other places, in pubs and bars, at the office, in loos, on fridge magnets and on the world wide web. And not just in Spain.

In this second follow-up article to “Sugar, Sugar!”, Joe shares some more examples of witty, wise and warming words.


Pubs and bars

Of course, mottos, quotes and sayings are not only to be found on sugar packets. The bar or pub is also a good source, in particular for advice about drinking and asking for credit. Here are a few on drinking from Spain, England and Germany:

“Si bebes para olvidar, paga antes de empezar.”

[If you’re drinking to forget, pay before you start!]


“Wein auf Bier, das rate ich dir.

Bier auf Wein, lass das sein.“

[Wine on top of beer, I can recommend, but beer on top of wine, leave it be.]


[Note: Julie Wilkinson has offered a neat little rhyme in English with a similar meaning, one which I had never come across:

"Beer before wine is fine;

wine before beer is queer."

Thanks Julie.]


"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" [Benjamin Franklin]


“Beer, the cause of and solution to all of life’s little problems.” [Homer Simpson]


“Alcohol won’t solve your problems, but neither will water or milk.” [Anon]


Then, there are these variations on the theme of saving water:


“Save water, drink beer!”

“Save water, drink wine!”

“Save water, bath or shower together!”


And regarding the loos:


“Gents to the left, as the Ladies are always right.”


“Mea con gusto, mea contento, pero si te pido que mees por dentro.”

[Pee happily, pee with joy, but, please, I beg you, pee in the bowl!]


“Im sitzen pinkeln”

[Gents, please sit down even for a pee!]


“Gentlemen. Please stand closer. It may be shorter than you think!”


On the subject of credit:


“Please do not ask for credit, as a refusal often offends.”


“Si por fiar tengo amigos pero los pierdo por cobrar, para evitar enemigos lo mejor es no fiar.”

[If by trusting people I have friends, but I lose them when I charge them, it’s better not to trust people to avoid having enemies.]


Or the rather more abrupt:

“No se fía y punto.”

[We trust nobody. Full stop!]



A lot of German mottos are entertaining and uplifting:

“Happy wife, happy life.”


„Wir sind auf der Welt, um glücklich zu sein.“

[We‘re here on this earth to be happy.]


In the office

„Das Fangen von Schmetterlingen und Vögeln im Buro ist verboten!“

[Catching butterflies and birds in the office is prohibited (Vögeln also means “Screwing” or “Bonking”).]

“Another day done. All targets met. All systems fully operational. All customers satisfied. All staff keen and well-motivated. All pigs fed and ready to fly!”


Look out for part three of this series of articles, "Sayings on Fridges and on the Web", coming soon.

If you missed the first article in this trilogy, click "Sugar, Sugar!"


With acknowledgements to:

A1 Photo Archive

Café Central, Zafra, Extremadura

Casa del Jamón, Ronda

Bar El Encuentro, Benaoján

Matt Groening

Bar La Palma, Benaoján

Rivas Construcción, Ronda

Hotel Ronda Valley, Ronda

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"Sugar, Sugar!" - translations
Sunday, November 27, 2022

A reader asked for translations of the Spanish sayings in my recent article "Sugar, Sugar". I just finished updating the original article by ading them in, when I noticed Des Wilkinson had also provided translations in the Comments section. Thanks, Des.

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“Sugar, Sugar!” Sayings on your Sweetener
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

By Only Joe King

The packet of sugar you are served when you order a cup of coffee in a Spanish bar or cafeteria often bears a motto or quote on the back. Some are witty, some are wise and almost all are true. Joe King has been taking a look.


I’ve started collecting packets of sugar from bars and cafés. I don’t take sugar, so the unopened packets don’t deposit a residue of sugar grains in my pocket or handbag.

The mottos, quotes or sayings are invariably in Spanish, although their authors are from many countries.

Take this one from German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (he of the amazing moustache):

“La ventaja de tener mala memoria es que se goza muchas veces de las mismas cosas.”

[The advantage of having a bad memory is that you can enjoy the same things over and over again.]

A great comfort for dementia sufferers, no doubt!



Americans Groucho Marx, WC Fields and Mark Twain were a great source of witticisms.

“Hijo mío, la felicidad está hecha de pequeñas cosas.

Un pequeño yate, una pequeña mansión, una pequeña fortuna …..” [Groucho Marx]

[My friend, happiness is brought about by small things: a small yacht, a small mansion, a small fortune.]


“I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol and wild women. The other half I wasted.” [WC Fields]


“I have overcome my will power and taken up smoking again.” [Mark Twain]



“La mente que se abre a una nueva idea, jamás volverá a su tamaño original.” [Anon.]

[The mind that opens up to new ideas will never go back to its original size.]

A very positive thought – perfect for die-hards and stick-in-the-muds!


I love this one, that sums up my post-Covid attitude to life after suffering several years of depression:

“Piensa como adulto,

vive como joven,

aconseja como anciano

Y nunca dejes de soñar como niño.”


[Think like an adult,

live life like a youngster,

give advice like an old person

but never stop dreaming like a child.]


Mother Theresa said many uplifting things.

“A veces sentimos que lo que hacemos es tan solo una gota en el mar, pero el mar seria menos si le faltara una gota.” [Mother Theresa of Calcutta]

[Sometimes we feel that what we do is nothing more than a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be diminished if a drop were missing.]


Anonymous is pretty prolific also:

“Disfruta de las pequeñas cosas.” [Anon.]

Enjoy the little things.

“Nada es imposible.” [Anon.]

[Nothing is imposible.]

“Lo único imposible es aquello que no intentas” [Anon.]

[The only imposible thing is the one thing that you don’t try.]

“AMOR, Felicidad, RISAS, Sueños”

[LOVE, Happiness, LAUGHS, Dreams.]


Where else do we see such witty, sage and uplifting sayings?

Look out for Only Joe King’s next article “In Bars, at the Office, on Fridges and on the Web”, coming soon to Eye On Spain.


With acknowledgements to:

A1 Photo Archive

ARR Grupo, Ronda

Café Bar Blanco y Negro, Ronda

Café Mena, Almería


La Catunambo



Tags: Americans, bar, cafeteria, coffee, die-hards, English, Friedrich Nietzsche, German, Groucho Marx, Joe King, Mark Twain, Mother Theresa, office, packet, quotes, sage, sayings, Spanish, stick-in-the-muds, sugar, sweetener, true, uplifting, WC Fields, web, wise, witty

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