On the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the Book, the next April-23, Mª Teresa Lizaranzu, General Director of Policy and Cultural Industries and Book and President of the Commission on Intellectual Property , has been interviewed on radio in the Reader's House in Madrid.
She says that the publishing industry has suffered a transformation, cause of two reasons: the crisis that affects this and to other sectors and the second reason is the digital challenge. She hopes that the different companies of book are abble to be adapted to the new situation, because the publishing industry is the main sector in the Culture of Spain.
The interview to Maria Teresa was celebrated in the Reader´s House, in Madrid.

"MATADERO MADRID RIO 074", Madrid, Spain, by druidabruxux, at flickr.com
She knows that the booksellers in Spain are worried, cause of this crisis (economic crisis andcrisis in the reading of books of paper); but she is optimistic, because she thinks that booksellers will be abble to adapt themselves. She says that in Spain there is one bookshop for 15.000 people.
Spain is the first country in production of books in Spanish, but Maria Teresa says that Spain is also one of the major powers in publishing. She says that the production is very good in Spain.
She also thinks that is important to know that tax book, in Spain, is less than in other countries.In Spain, it is: 4%; but in France is: 6%, in Germany is: 7% and in Denmark is: 25%.
The book industry needs to find a new business model to cope with strong competition from new technologies.
She also says that the reading habit (only of book), in Spain, is around 63%.
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