Any season with exceptional circumstances is associated with a special language, with an increase of meaning of some words. For example: some years ago we thought that “Marea” (tide) was referring only to sea; but now –cause of the hard crisis that we are suffering--, a “Marea” is not referring to sea but a crowd of people, who is going on protest demonstration against the government, for example.In this case , “Marea” is (wave, surge).
Another word, that is being used in other context, is “Acampada” (Camping), that was a leisure activity.However, it is now another protest demonstration.
Therefore, it is true that exist a “Language of the crisis”.
Another word that has increased its significance is “Chiringuito” (a bar, with or without a restaurant, in a beach). We always knew that it was only that significance; but now, with the crisis, we know that is also “A financial snack”.
Chiringuito Bien-star, Playa de Tarifa, Cádiz, Southwest of Spain, by Chodaboy, at
Other word: “Austeridad” (Austerity).In the past, it was not a negative word, because it meant: ·Savings”; but, now it is so negative, because it means: “Dourness, cutting…”.
Another word: “Preferente” (preferential). Some years ago, the word “Preferential” was positive, because, for example you could go by train with class “Preferential” –it was the best--.But now, “Preferential" is negative, because it means that you have “preference shares” in a bank.
Another word so used now is: “Prima de riesgo” (Risk premium). But, at the begining it was the word “Spread” ; but the Mass Media, in Spain, thought that it should be complicated for people to accept that term and they tought to use “Diferencial de la deuda” or “Coste de la deuda” and at the end, they decided to use “Prima de riesgo”.
Another sentence is “Plan de saneamiento” (Sanitation plan), that means: “Despido”(Dismissal), in a company.
Another word: “Recesión” (Recession) is the zero increase of the Gross Domestic Product , in 3 months.
Perhaps you have hear another words about crisis.
Till soon, kind regards,
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