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Game with spanish words
Thursday, June 6, 2013 @ 12:50 AM

       Top lay with words is a good recourse, for example if you want to tell someone anything, but you do not want to say it directly  --If you want to make fun of someone, but do not want to be noticed--. One anecdote, by the Spanish writer, Quevedo, is that he said a verse for the Spanish Queen, Isabel de Borbón; the verse was this one: “Entre el clavel y la rosa, su Majestad escoja”. It seems to want mean:  “That….the Queen choose, among the carmination and the rose”, because “Escoja” comes from the verb “Escoger” (To choose). But, really, Quevedo meant: “Entre el clavel y la rosa, Su Majestad es coja”  ( “Among the carmination and the rose, Your Majesty (the Queen) is lame”). The anecdote happened so: Francisco de Quevedo bet with his friends that he could make fun of the Queen, without she knew it. Then, he bought a bouquet of white carnations and other one of red roses;  he approached the Queen, who was in a public square and told her: "Between the white carnation and the red rose, choose Your Majesty".

The Queen Isabel de Borbón.

      This “Game of words” is named “Calambur”.

      Another game of words is: “Yo lo coloco y ella lo quita” (I place it and she moves it). It seems to be so: “Yo lo coloco y ella lo quita”; but also it can be: “Yo loco loco y ella loquita” (I am mad mad and she is little mad).

      Another funny game: “De Valencia, las naranjas; de Sevilla las maletas” (From Valencia, the oranges; from Sevilla, the suitcases).At the begining this is the sound that arrives to you, Is not it?. But, really it means: “From Valencia, the oranges; des-evilla (remove the “evillas”= the little part of a suitcase, where you pass the belt for closing the suitcase) the suitcases”.

Evilla of suitecase

       Another funny case of game of words: a sir says: “Mi hijo está en el trabajo como pez en el agua” (My son is in his job, like a fish in water) and another sir asks the first one: “¿Y que hace?” (And what is he doing?). “Pues….nada” (But…..nothing), answered the first sir.Note: “Nada”  can means “Nothing” or “Swims” (like a fish).

      Also there are some words, named “Palíndromos”. They are words, that are read on the same way forward or backward. They are words or sentences.

      The Spanish composer, Víctor Carbajo, have a very big selection of words “Polindrómicas”. For example, he talks about: “acurruca”, from the verb “Acurrucar”, that means: “Shrink, in order to protect against the cold itself”.

      Another word “Polindrómica” is: “aerea” (of air).

      Another one is. “alábala”, that comes from the verb “Alabar” (Elogiar, Praise).

      But there is another game of words; for example: “Nosotros malgastamos el tiempo” , --we say “malgastar” (waste), as if it was money--.  Also we say “Ahorrar” (Save up) time , as it was money.

      Another linguistic concept is: “Acróstico” (Acrostic). This word comes from the Greek “Acros”, that means: “Extreme” and “sticos”,  that means: “Verso” (Verse). It is a poetic composition, in which the first letter of each verse, if you read all of them, in a vertical way, you can read a message. One of the most famous cases, in the Spanish Literature is which you can find in the Prologue of “The Celestina”,, where the first letters of the Eighths, create the sentence: EL BACHILLER FERNANDO DE ROJAS ACABO LA COMEDIA DE CALISTO Y MELIBEA E FUE NACIDO EN LA PUEBLA DE MONTALBAN.

      Another very nice case is a poem by Luis de Tovar, compiled in General Songbook, by Hernando del Castillo. This is the poem:

Feroz sin Consuelo y sañuda dama

Remedia el trabajo a nadie creedero

A quien le siguió martirio tan fiero

No seas león o reyna pues te ama

Cien males se doblan cada ora  en que pene

Y en ti de tal guisa beldad, pues se asienta

No seas cruel en assi dar afruenta

Al que por te amar ya vida no tiene.


      All the words in red are female names: Eloysa, Joana, Guiomar, Leonor, Blanca, Isabel, Elena and Marya. But also, if you read all the verses, in a vertical way, you will read the name “FRANCYNA”.

      In Spain, we have a great woman dancer of Flamenco dancing, named SARA BARAS; if you read it from the end to the beginning, you will see that it is the same.

      Another “Palindromo” is:  “Yo hago yoga hoy”; if you read it from the end to the beginning, it will be read the same.

      I hope that you have enjoy with this post.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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