The famous “Tablas de Daimiel” (Tables of Daimiel) (Ciudad Real, Central Spain) marks 40 years, as a National Park; and it is happening in a very good time.
Tables of Daimiel, Ciudad Real, Central Spain.
"Eyes of the Guadiana"
With the surface completely flooded and the recovery of one of its sources of supply: the river Guadiana. The water returns to bring life to this place unique in Europe.
Sprout again the named “Ojos del Guadiana” --Los Ojos del Guadiana is located in the municipality of Villarrubia de los Ojos, and are traditional sources or historic main upwelling point where conventionally considered to be born the river Guadiana, at least in its middle, as there is another section called Guadiana Alto, born at much higher levels (1040 m, near the Lagunas de Navalcudia), and then passes down from the Lagunas de Ruidera, once the reservoir Peñarroya, by what is considered, in a mythical or legendary, this Guadiana Alto reappears in the Ojos del Guadiana (as if the river was a worm or snake again see the light)--. The “Ojos del Guadiana” have been missing during 26 years; they have been recovered thanks to the “Acuifero 23”, that was overexploit during several years. The problem was as big that the UNESCO said that this place could no longer be “A Biosphere Reserve”.
8 kilometers of the river have ben recover.
Around that huge sewage tank, there are 50.000 wells are legal and 10.000 illegal .
Extractions abuse threatened the survival of the Tables. They were about to succumb to the underground fires. But again nature has again surprised and abundance of rain has encouraged the rebirth of the park.
Proof that the aquifer has recovered, people from La Mancha have themselves in their homes. Pedro Rodriguez has a small farm on the outskirts of Daimiel .. …
Proximity of the aquifer also seen in the collapses that in recent months have appeared in several farms in the area. They are a geological phenomenon which causes land subsidence revealing the proximity of water.
Long ago, even centuries, the Guadiana ran through the area. In the time remaining water mills but most are in ruins because they stopped operations in 1950.
In the vicinity of the protected area live July, the last fisherman, the sole survivor of a way of living of the Tables. She is 84 years old and still hanging out with your basket. It is one of the most knowledgeable of the flora and fauna and their "box" come often guards and former directors of the park.
Another love of the area was the painter Ignacio Meco. He spent the last years of his life in his home workshop located in the bend of the river.
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Till son, kind regards,
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